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DKD's 2012 Body Transformation


Private Dancer
Hello there boys and girls. :)

I didn't win $31 million in Lotto last night, so this here is Plan B.


Age: 43
Height: 183cm
Weight: 94.3 kg (weighed today)
Bodyfat: not sure, but estimated at 88.572%


Had far too many years of sedentary lifestyle, wasn't happy with how I looked, so around Sep/Oct 09 I decided to have a crack at weights for the first time at age 41. I just did dumbbell and resistance band workouts for the first couple of months and around Xmas 09 I started setting up a proper home gym.

In 2010 I was extremely committed and did close to 200 workouts in the year. I also lost a lot of weight and got quite lean. I thought I was probably too lean though, without enough muscle, so decided I needed to bulk up. That hasn't worked out as well as planned. :(

In 2011 I was pumped for another big year but in January I had an MRI scan revealing a torn labrum (cartilage) in my left shoulder. I tried physio but that made it more painful. That put me out of action for the next 3 months or so. Gradually the pain eased and I got back into it, however I haven't properly rectified the injury so I work around it. No bench press or overhead press anymore for me. I've increased my work on dips instead and also do a lot of back work.

I'm not a strength-oriented trainer, which is just as well because my lifts are pretty mediocre compared to you guys. There's a good quote I like to follow; "it's the quality of the movement, not the quantity of weight moved, that counts".

I've been on semi auto pilot for a while now in terms of nutrition, a sort of pseudo bulk mentality, but in reality I don't take enough care with what I eat, so time to get a bit more serious I think.

Will post photos shortly.
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To achieve a physique strikingly similar to Ken Doll.


Anyways...here we go.....anyone need a spare tire?

2012.01 - 01.jpg

2012.01 - 02.jpg

2012.01 - 03.jpg

2012.01 - 04.jpg
How can anyone possibly beat me in a transformation challenge when I'm wearing a Transformer's helmet, yeah baby!!

No Bonds....instant disqualification?

Thanks Deep, I checked out your facebook thingy the other day, you're going great guns, well done!

Faaaaaaaaaaark, my pics are so huge, there's so much of me on the screen!!! Aaaargh, i don't know whether to warn people to get a bucket ready, or to lie back with a box of tissues. :eek: Maybe the bucket eh? :D
lol almost all people who entered has been wearing bonds in their photos :D

hold up... if your a transformer... you have an unfair advantage.

and i see what u did there by wearing a "transformers" helmet :p
Pics look fine!! Its a brave task baring nearly all! Its a transformation, your first set of pics can't be perfect ;)
dkd you told me you were 100kg at 10% bodyfat, whats going on?

but srsly, good luck and lol at transformers helmet. i watched transformers 3 last night, and the robots have blood, yep blood. therefore i have come irgaigf ot thugfgi conclusion that transformers are gajfigaf actually people.

and will you wax for your after pics?
lol @ lmd wanting hairless pics for your after photos... i wonder why...

there is girls doing the competition, much better to make good use of than dkd's pics.