on IF i never feel full, but i never feel hungry. I eat for 2 reasons: 1) because i'm bored, in which case i eat low fat (salad, boiled veggies omelettes) and 2) to reach my protein macros in which case i eat high protein, low/moderate fat. it's actually pretty hard to eat like this and eat above maintenance. if you do, you're probably eating too many empty carbs or high fat proteins.
basically, i'm eating nothing til midday, then lunch is <300cals and then i have about 1200cals to play with come dinner and i NEED 150g+ of protein. lots of fish, chicken and egg whites together with massive amounts of veggies. i go through a lot of shirataki noodles.
technically there's a 3rd reason to eat called "chocolate", but i've managed to limit that to a 20g/day habit and even then, only the dark stuff...