Golden Hurricane
Well I guess I will start by posting my current diet for anyone to critique and perhaps give a few tips in case I'm missing something. Just to be clear, Ive had good results with this in the past and it allowed me to bulk cleanly whilst losing bodyfat. Im not a fan of the bulk then cut phasing, so please dont try to change it totally. Cheers! 
My stats:
Age: 24
Weight: 101 kg, BF% = ? not sure, carrying a bit of extra padding round the gut but not heaps.
Aim: shed the waist fat and bulk up again.
Meal 1
3 eggs
olive oil spray
1 WPC protein shake or frozen egg whites to make up the same protein content.
3 fish oil caps
cold water
Meal 2
1/2 can 425g tin tuna in springwater
fat free salad dressing
cold water
Meal 3
Chicken breast
olive oil spray
fat free salad dressing
cold water
Meal 4
Steak (topside or low fat equivalent)
Olive oil spray
fat free salad dressing
cold water
Meal 5 (just pre or during workout)
WPI/WPC blend 2 scoops
Cell-tech or Dextrose equivalent
cold water
Meal 6 (post workout)
WPI/WPC blend 2 scoops
1 white potato
1 cup broccoli
cold water
Meal 7
Olive oil spray
Fat free salad dressing
Low fat natural yoghurt + handful frozen raspberries + small amt. Splenda
cold water
Meal 8
calcium caseinate 1 sccop
WPC 1 scoop
3 fish oil caps
cold water
Each meal averages somewhere in the vicinity of 40-50g protein.
TOTAL KJ: 12354, Protein: 382.95 (56%), Carbs: 204.6 (30%), Fat: 92.6 (14%)

My stats:
Age: 24
Weight: 101 kg, BF% = ? not sure, carrying a bit of extra padding round the gut but not heaps.
Aim: shed the waist fat and bulk up again.
Meal 1
3 eggs
olive oil spray
1 WPC protein shake or frozen egg whites to make up the same protein content.
3 fish oil caps
cold water
Meal 2
1/2 can 425g tin tuna in springwater
fat free salad dressing
cold water
Meal 3
Chicken breast
olive oil spray
fat free salad dressing
cold water
Meal 4
Steak (topside or low fat equivalent)
Olive oil spray
fat free salad dressing
cold water
Meal 5 (just pre or during workout)
WPI/WPC blend 2 scoops
Cell-tech or Dextrose equivalent
cold water
Meal 6 (post workout)
WPI/WPC blend 2 scoops
1 white potato
1 cup broccoli
cold water
Meal 7
Olive oil spray
Fat free salad dressing
Low fat natural yoghurt + handful frozen raspberries + small amt. Splenda
cold water
Meal 8
calcium caseinate 1 sccop
WPC 1 scoop
3 fish oil caps
cold water
Each meal averages somewhere in the vicinity of 40-50g protein.
TOTAL KJ: 12354, Protein: 382.95 (56%), Carbs: 204.6 (30%), Fat: 92.6 (14%)
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