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Diet advice/rate


New member
hey starting this diet tomorrow, goal is to lose weight while still getting stronger.

current weight 110kgs goal weight 90kg

started ptc's beginner program
supps- 3 fishoil tabs vit c tabs for breakfast/lunch/dinner

- 1/2 oats with water 1scoop protein powder

smoko/mid-morning meal(9:30am) - protein powder and 30grams almonds

lunch(12:00pm)- lettuce/1 tomato/30grams stuffed olives/95grams tuna in olive oil

pre training(4:30pm) -
3scoops protein powder

weights Mon/Wed/Fri
3xwk Tues/Thurs/Sat
footy training(i usually just do skill work due to sprints beforehand) 2xwk Tues/Thurs

dinner(usually straight after training)- 200grams chicken breast 200grams steamed greenbeans

just wondering if this is a gd diet to follow? advice wanted

cheers Carl
How many calories is that? Doesn't look like much? At 110kg, it could be hard to stick to, I know it would be for me. That looks like a pretty low carb diet. Don't be afraid to have some brown rice as you are going to need energy to keep up with PTC's program.

Your first proper meal isn't until midday. 6 hours after you get up. Too many shakes, if you are trying to lose weight, just eat food and keep the shake until after you workout.
1/2 cup of oats isn't a real meal?

I agree though, looks low in cals for your current weight. I would be having 200g tuna at lunch. 1 scoop of whey pre workout if you want and get some carbs in there as well. Oats, bananas etc.

I'd probably ditch whey for morning tea and have some more tuna with almonds.

You haven't included a post workout meal? I aim for .25g P per pound BW and .5g C per pound BW.

Training looks good

Cheers for the advice guys I'll work it out properly tonight when I get home. I'll post up the new diet later or tomorrow hopefully. But I don't reckon I'll be adding a post workout meal because I have tea straight after training then I'll goto bed,have to get up early for work
1/2 cup of oats isn't a real meal?

No it's not. Your body hasn't had any fuel in aprox. 8 hours. Breakfast is when it's time to get the furnace firing and the metabolism revving at it's hardest. 1 cup of oats, 3 eggs, 1 banana and milk is what I have. Obviously for the OP he is looking to lose weight so at least 1 cup of oats with some low fat milk and fruit would be a good option.
finished my diet took awhile to find time after work but i reckon ive done well, i got all my info on diet and stuff from the diet topics on nissansilva fitness forums posted by m&m/ptc anyway heres my diet which im gonna try and follow to the letter for the next 16wks or however long it takes to get to my goal of 85-90kg

i worked out my cal intake should be 2400cals roughly a day
ill adjust as i lose weight, starting tonight bought all stuff ill need until next payday and im pre preparing my meals for the week tonight aswell

BREAKFAST 6:30AM 3x fishoil tabs
2xmed eggs fat-12gms protein-14gms
1/2 cup oates with 1/2 cup full cream milk carbs-17gms fats-4gms protein-7gms
1scoop wheypowder in oates protein-12gms
total fats-16gms carbs-17gms proteins-31gms cals-336

60gms almonds f-32gms c-12gms p-13gms
100gms chicken breast f-4gms p-32gms
total f-36gms c-12gms p-45gms cals-552

LUNCH 12PM 3x fishoil tabs
95GMS tuna in oil p-24gms f-7.5gms
1 med tomato c-4gms p-1gms
1/2 avocado c-8.5gms f-15gms p-4gms
100gms olives c-4gms f-15gms p-1gms
total f-37.5gms c-16.5gms p-30gms cals-523.5



post workout shake after weights 1scoop protein with water

TEA 6:30-7:00PM 3x fishoil tabs
200GMS steak F-32GMS P-54GMS
200GMS Broccoli and Cauliflower C-11GMS F-1GMS P-4GMS
1TPS Olive oil F-14GMS

TOTAL 2486.5 cal
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hey starting this diet tomorrow, goal is to lose weight while still getting stronger.

current weight 110kgs goal weight 90kg

My focus would be on losing 20kg, which is a grand goal to have and would be a great achievement once reached. The "while still getting stronger" bit can hang on for the time being. If you can maintain your level of strength at 90kg as when you were at 110kg, then be proud of yourself.

Have you heard of the different weight divisions in the sport of weightlifting/powerlifting? How long have you been training? If you're new to the sport then I'd say it's achievable.

Yeah my focus is 20 kg fatloss , I've been training for about 12 months on and off bodybuilding workouts but now I want to focus on losing fat and maintaining Muscle or hopefully building some. Currently doing PTC beginner program and sprints aswell

I don't really have any knowledge on the sport of weightlifting/powerlifting, but I assumed in comps they would have weight div
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Are we talking cooked or uncooked? I was talking uncooked. Once cooked, that is a shitload of food. I have mine with some protein powder and natural pb.

I understand that breakfast and PWO are the most important meals of the day. The new breakfast looks much better but still a bit on the small side. I think those figures are for cooked looking at that.