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Deadlift frequency and volume

Mate you're right in that a lot of people can increase their deadlift by increasing their squat. I was just pointing out that this isn't always the case. A lot of it depends on your squat & deadlift techniques imo.

Could always use the "darkness" method ...but your squat will suffer
Also isn't NAPARM a strongman competitor?
I assume stonelifter also?

Just been reviewing deadlifting notes, Jeremy Hartman was another fan of strongman training doing 370lb farmers walks in each hand. Bob People's was a farmer. Strong guys all over, massive GPP base

Strongmen will always be top deadlifters for reps but PLers will always come out on top weight wise due to the way each trains.

What you want to be stronger at, reps or singles, would dictate who you follow for training ideas.
Yet there are more 800+ deadlifters in strongman than in powerlifting despite being a much smaller sport
The WR is held by a strongman
The current top 50 deadlifters don't come close to the top 50 strongmen
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Yet there are more 800+ deadlifters in strongman than in powerlifting despite being a much smaller sport
The WR is held by a strongman
The current top 50 deadlifters don't come close to the top 50 strongmen

As mentioned by Scott, lots of other factors to consider when assessing strongman deadlifts. Powerlifters don't have those options.

And further, Benni did his deadlift in a PL comp and I'll bet you anything he was training the same as any other powerlifter at the time.
Oh right yeah, his entire training up until that training cycle couldn't have mattered at all
And I was of course talking about regular bars.

Zydrunas Savickas deadlifts 430kg with a regular bar
Vytautas Lalas did 360kg for 4 reps with a hitched 5th
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson did 400kg with a regular gym bar
Brian Shaw deadlifted 430kg with a PL comp bar
Mike Jenkins couldn't find
Krzysztof Radzikowski 420kg

At the last IPF worlds there was not a single deadlift over 365kg

There's a major, major difference between WSM competitors and IPF... can you guess what it is?
Yeah justify it with drugs....
Take a look at the arnold classic deadlift comp results and see how many are strongmen. Arnold classic is biggest dl comp and all the best deadlifters are invited. Jeremy hartman came 4th and does strongman training thats all i can remember. On phone atm so cant look it up. Bottom line tho is strongman training is one of the best ways to a big dl no one can logically refute this. Strongmen are currently raping pls in the dl
Im not going to ague it, but I bet you $100 I could find more 400+ legitimate PL deads from PLers than SM.

With that said, its competly irrelevant to the op. I dont think he even pulls 200kg yet.

oni @ 190kg dead arguing programming with Sticky 300+ kg dead & Freako 270kg+ (sorry if thats wrong Ben can't remember where you're at)

Fucking funny shit, one theorises the other two get it done.
Strength sports are so specific in terms of strength and training requirements that they are difficult to compare.

Besides one obvious difference between WSM and IPF athletes (as suggested), WSM guys will do well in deadlift simply because of their great general strength and suitable leverages (more suited than say bench and squats).

Again, i remember Sav Rocca (former AFL star full forard and now punter with Washington Redskins) could deadlift 240kg+ at 16 (193cm tall then) despite never doing them in training and struggling with 100kg bench press and similar squats.
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Drugs count 0ni, especially the amount top WSM competitors use.

Its probably also got a lot to do with strong deadlifters make strong strongmen as much as anything (as Spartacus also just mentioned). Deads and overheads are far more important in strongman than squats and bench so obviously PL'ers are prioritise different things.
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Is it possibe horse and cart are the wrong way around here and that excellent deadlifters are likely to become SM?
Lmao ok
I guess a highly conditioned midsection is not important for a big pull and looking at what 430kg deadlifters sre doing doesnt count because they take steroids. Meanwhile in powerlifting everyone recommends plenty of heavy ab and lower back accessory. Sticky and everyone in his gym does loads of udl and planks as a base until they pull 200kg. How is that any different again? A conditioned midsection is the number one thing that gives you a big pull, no one can logically refute this. NO ONE. Being a sub 200 deadlifter is MORae reason to build a base of udl planks good mornings pulldowns and whatever else