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critique/input for this split and workouts?...

ok. noted. thank you. but i just don't get this part. what do you mean?

Wow! 5 training days in 2 weeks are you f'n kidding me?? Thats ridiculous. You've got super high volume sessions then a few days off. They basically negate each other and ruin the training effect.

Sorry mate, but I just don't believe your eating 800g - 1kg of meat at day at 81kg. If thats cooked weight thats 300g protein JUST from the meat.

yeah. meat is always between 200-250g cooked.

do you think i should cut out a meal? or cut the protein amounts in the meal down?

ok. this looks good. i still would probably have to take more days off because of my job and i also need to fit some cardio in there too. maybe 9 days instead of 7?

my back does not look like those 2 pictures its literally bone sticking out. in those 2 pics the bone is covered way more than what i have. i can't get a good enough pic to show it.

thank you.

What I meant was, you take 14 days to do your 5 day body part split. Theres too much recovery time in between. If it was full body it would be ok.

I'm guessing your workouts are 90 minutes plus right? Get to the gym 4 times a week, 60 mins of training time and go home. If you cant get it done in an hour your probably not pushing yourself and resting too much for the type of training you do.

Also, I assume your trying to get bigger. Why are you doing cardio? Is it for sport? If its not, its probably not helping your goal.

Nutrition wise, yoor protein intake is way above what you require. Its not a bad thing, its better than not eating enough but its definitely not optimal for somebody your size. I would go off 100/200/400. 100% of bw in kg gives fat intake in grams etc

Meaning your 81kg

80-100g fats. Mostly from fish oil and meats ideally.

160-200g protein. Not including PWO shake.

320-350g carbs. Not including PWO shake, and most to be consumed earlier in the day or around workout.

Total Cals are 2600-3100. Eat protein and fat, and protein and carbs together. Set your diet out in advance, then adjust every 2-3 weeks accordong to mirror, photos and scale.

As for your back, go to a physio or post a pic because your description is vague. Upper cross and Lower cross are two different "syndromes" consisting of several muscle groups being tight/overactive or weak/inhibited. Upper cross can include forward head posture, thoracic kyphosis and scapula protraction and/or tilt issues.

generally i take as long as i need to do the workout and complete all sets. i warm up thoroughly and spend up to 20 mins stretching and warming up and preparing my body.
for the compound strength stuff i do at the start, i take as long as i need to be ready for the next set. i'd say 90sec at the most then everything after that i move through pretty quickly.

i will definitely take on board and implement what you have suggested with the diet and training. as for the cardio, i will continue to do that as it has not affected my growth or recovery because its very moderate. i don't go all out and exhaust myself doing it plus i like getting outdoors and going to a good walk. i feel it even improves my recovery and keeps me in better shape.

i did the shoulder and back width workout today. need to make some adjustments. the reps range i stayed in was 12-15, this felt good and different and my lats were so pumped that it hurt and felt like they were about to burst. might cut the sets down to 3 for the o/h press.

thanks. i have made the adjustments to my protein levels.