there's nothing wrong with starting strength, but it's fairly limited. It's called starting strength because it's for "starting strength".
the lifts in SS are probably the ones that require good form over most others, so you are already doing better than most gym goers, so well done in that sense.
Blood and guts is very low volume, so you really have to get the most out of each and every exercise (as Darkoz mentioned, beginners tend to get more from a high volume routine)
weight lifting is not like flying a jet, you are not going to kill 500 people because you don't have lifting experience. If you use good form and the correct weight, you'll be fine.
Maybe you should do SS mon/wed, and hypertrophy stuff on the other bodyparts tues/thurs.
at least your getting something from both baskets. variety is key, and you don't "need" to do anything , everyone has opinions, you'll find your path.
Here are some 2 day splits I used to use, just aim for higher rep ranges 1 week and lower the next, coupled with SS... you will be superman in no time
Tier 1
Workout 1
Dumbbell Flat bench
Dumbbell shoulder press
Close grip bench
Wide grip pull-ups front
workout 2
Alternate Dumbbell curls
Pinwheel Curls
Standing calf raises (barbell)
Lying leg curls
Tier 2
Workout 1
Incline Barbell
Barbell press to front
Skull crushers
Machine pulls to front
Barbell rows
Workout 2
Barbell curls
Reverse grip barbell curls
Standing calf raises (barbell)
Sumo Squat
Leg extensions
Tier 3
Workout 1
Flat bench
Barbell Press to back
reverse grip bench
wide pull-ups to back
Single arm rows
Workout 2
Incline Dumbbell curls
Hammer Curls
Standing calf raises (barbell)
Stiff legged dead lift
Hack squat