I just assumed you were married with a kid or two.. learn something new every day. Did prince charming not come a knocking?
One of my mates sisters is staring down the barrel at not being able to have kids, despite just marrying. She's into the 41/42 age bracket and despite exceptional fitness and health, it doesn't help.
I have been told by a lot that kids are the greatest thing in this life yada yada. Yet everytime I see my cousins who are in their late 20s or early 30s they're pulling their hair out saying "don't do it sam, don't do it. It's a trap" (this is inclusive of marriage).
I like kids, when I can return them. I have baby sitted younger cousins numerous amounts of times, and it requires so much damn attention. (yeah yeah, "it's different when they're yours". Sure, just today I saw another man in his late 30s pulling his hair out at the supermarket over the 2 siblings fighting yeah yeah "but you don't see all the good times they make you smile"... I hear ya
I think I am to self absorbed at the moment to be able to even dedicate myself to that. It's a full time gig and still does not appeal to me, although down the track I am not ruling it out and of course I will probably be a father.
After all, we're here to procreate. But alas no switch has flicked. I have no desire to be up at all hours. I can understand the great feeling it must be watching a little creature you created grow up. Until they reach their teens/20s and don't want to have anything to do with you. Or you annoy them. I know this because I was like this to my folks. To this day they still break my balls, irrespective of loving them. Ricky Gervais recently spoke on his and his girlfriends decision not to have kids. It just wasn't for them. I guess my folks could have said the same of me, and I'd not be writing this. Which would be a shame, because I am almost awe struck every day by life (ty science).
To each their own. Coming from an Italian background, marriage and kids is pretty straight forward. Mandatory if anything. Although my uncle who'd be ~105 years of age now never had kids or a wife all spurred on by a few bad relationships. He said he'd rather die alone in peace. You'd think he'd be a cold hearted tin man, but was the most giving & thoughtful man around. This is what happens when family politics get in the way - in his last relationship, it was not allowed that they were to be married. Him being Calabrese and the other half being Sicilian didn't go down too well. He was seen as inferior because he came out of Italy to Aus, digging up potatoes for work.
Anyway I have lost my train of thought.. carry on
Oh yeah.. that's right. Grass is always greener Choc. Another of my uncles has just finished paying child support for 3 children he had in his mid twenties, and is not allowed to see (and they don't want to know him after what their mother fibbed about). Don't know what's worse? I'd take not ever having kids over that shamble. Oh did I mention losing 2 houses in the process and paying for a European holiday for his ex wife and her new found partner?
Ah.. life