To sum it all up Fadi... if muscle is your goal quit caffeine however if fat loss is your goal 2green and 2 white if any. I've gone 3 days without any caffenie now and I'm feeling great.
There's no problem whatsoever in taking in white or gren tea. I'm going back and forth between this forum and another, so here's a copy and paste of an answer I had given 2 hours ago on the question of caffeine...
1. Taking caffeine would raise your cortisol levels.
2. Cortisol is a hormone that is responsible for storing fat.
3. Caffeine has been found to facilitate the break down of fatty acids to be used whilst at the same time conserving glycogen levels
4. Cortisol does the opposite of #3 above in addition to facilitating amino acid break down, which = muscles.
5. To have your adrenal gland secrete adrenaline naturally due to the excitement of going to the gym and having a workout is different from forcing your adrenal glands to do the same thing uncontrollably due to caffeine stimulation. One is being measured by your own smart body, whilst the other has been forced upon it. In other words, you may have had a bad night sleep and your training would have been less than ideal (that day due to adrenal fatigue); so instead of giving the body what it needs, you do the exact opposite by further depleting your adrenaline pool and further raising your cortisol levels; not a smart move I'm afraid!
Now I’ve just mentioned #5 once here to illustrate for you a not so unusual scenario. The only thing I did not do above is times it by 100+ times this scenario is repeated. And then the bodybuilder wonders why he’s finding it damn hard to put on any muscles when he’s “training hard and properly all the time”! So you see, artificially raising your workout’s intensity may not be what the doctor has ordered.
If a bodybuilder wants caffeine, my advice to him would be to obtain it through white and green tea, both of which have a caffeine balancing act due to their levels of polyphenols and L- Theanine.
6. Now as long as your adrenal glands are in tip top shape and functioning properly, then they can automatically regulate cortisol and keep it in the appropriate range. But the question is, are they and if so then why would a bodybuilder need to resort to caffeine to stimulate his adrenal glands (which are supposed to have been working properly remember)? This is as much about health as it is about building muscles and losing fat as far as I’m concerned.
7. Insulin assists amino acid and glucose transport into muscle cells and blunts cortisol release.
8. Cortisol does the opposite of #7!