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Butter or margarine

Which one

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some info on transfat and other fat % in table spreads (margarine has to be 80% fat, but most yellowfats are much less than that these days) here
from 0 to 8%...

but if you don't believe saturated fats are bad for you.. why would you worry about transfats, which the body treats as saturated fats...??

then again, since butter naturally contains around 4% trans-fats... and some margarines contain 0-1%...
is butter "healthier"?

it breaks down into harmful rancid stuff sooner, often has more trans-fats, has more saturated fat, has more salt...

what brand do you use Mick ?
Use 'Mainland Butter Soft' for spreadable butter, and just any normal 100% butter, what ever is on special for cooking and stuff.

Have not made any special research into it, never used to care, but when I worked in a Margarine Factory for a short time, I have never had it again, it is like eating bearing grease.

Have worked in a lot of food factories, including Pepsi, Smiths Chips, Twisties etc, chocolate factory, Gatorade factory, Margarine Factory, Tip top bread and probably others, the only thing where I have ever been turned off was the Margarine Factory it's disgusting, used to eat the chips straight out of the seasoning drum before they got bagged up, freaking delicious.
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natural food is also a mixture of compounds... in the end, everything, even us, is made of chemicals

Yeah, but I'm talking about "compounds" mixed by people, with the intention to replace foods that have been grown or designed by nature.

That we've eaten and adapted to over many years.
Butter, because it won't mess with your cell membrane omega3:6 ratio.
Butyric acid for the win!
Even better if you eat a lot of resistant starch so your gut bacteria can synthesise it all by themselves.
Butter, because it won't mess with your cell membrane omega3:6 ratio.
Butyric acid for the win!
Even better if you eat a lot of resistant starch so your gut bacteria can synthesise it all by themselves.

Hence why green veg is the ultimate vessel for butter
Used to use the spreadable butter but have recently changed to proper butter and it is better although will be interesting to see how it goes as far as spread ability goes comes winter time.
What about the margarine that lowers cholestrol and are heart foundation approved, eg flora pro activ and olive oil based ones... are they all just as bad too??
totally random observation...
those statin margarines make my hair dry out... took me a while to figure out what was causing it. (verified a couple of times now..)
the quick cure = more peanut butter or fish oil

so I reckon they do something, but maybe not all good... never gonna use em again
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What about the margarine that lowers cholestrol and are heart foundation approved, eg flora pro activ and olive oil based ones... are they all just as bad too??

No idea, but my guess is that most of the beneficial qualities would be destroyed in the manufacturing process, but I could be completely wrong on this.

I recon just source your heathy fats from other sources.
No idea, but my guess is that most of the beneficial qualities would be destroyed in the manufacturing process, but I could be completely wrong on this.

I recon just source your heathy fats from other sources.

The main issue here is the scare mongering over the last 100 years away from animal fats.

Stay away from de-natured food, veg oil, all sugar and processed wheat products, it's these things that have contributed to many issues.
Good thread!!
Butter all the way...
Like I've stated before, I've been scoffing saturated fats since around March this year. I've drastically lowered my processed food and wheat intake as well. I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol, now I don't....coincidence? I don't think so?

You can't say for sure. I eat a shit load of wheat and other grains as well as other stuff and my cholesterol was fine last time.

The two main factors for high cholesterol are your genetics and being fat.

Fuck yeah.

Sugar is in everything, sugar makes shit food taste better, most processed food has high levels of sugar and flour, we receive enough sugar naturally, we don't need it introduced, added or hidden in other food.
Along with hydrogenated oils, the high constant intake of these things deficient in or void of; vitamins, minerals and enzymes and the repeated onslaught of sugar will eventually disrupt the finely tuned process causing some elements to remain in a constant state of activity.

Once the endochrine system is disturbed, shit happens and this causes many pathological symptoms.

I'm sure of it!
You can't say for sure. I eat a shit load of wheat and other grains as well as other stuff and my cholesterol was fine last time.

The two main factors for high cholesterol are your genetics and being fat.

The key here is one's tolerance to wheat and carbs and sugar in general, but no matter how tolerant one is, it catches up in some form or another.
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