Packing a Huge Member
That's gay
Tell me about it, I don't eat them.

I'm more of a box of chocolates while watching Titanic, type of bloke.
Fruit loops?.......pffft...... How gay.

That's gay
I prefer the taste of butter.
Leave some Margarine out and nothing will eat it (ie ants, insects etc) leave some butter out and they will be all over it….make of that what you like, may be ants are smarter than people.
If the normal butter is too hard to spread, get Butter Soft or churn it yourself, but don't get the blends of butter and margarine, read the label, you can buy 100% butter that is spreadable we been using it for years, it does cost a bit more, but we only use it to spread, use normal butter for cooking etc.
natural food is also a mixture of compounds... in the end, everything, even us, is made of chemicals
Butter, because it won't mess with your cell membrane omega3:6 ratio.
Butyric acid for the win!
Even better if you eat a lot of resistant starch so your gut bacteria can synthesise it all by themselves.
do you guys who use butter leave it out or keep in fridge?
do you guys who use butter leave it out or keep in fridge?
What about the margarine that lowers cholestrol and are heart foundation approved, eg flora pro activ and olive oil based ones... are they all just as bad too??
No idea, but my guess is that most of the beneficial qualities would be destroyed in the manufacturing process, but I could be completely wrong on this.
I recon just source your heathy fats from other sources.
Good thread!!
Butter all the way...
Like I've stated before, I've been scoffing saturated fats since around March this year. I've drastically lowered my processed food and wheat intake as well. I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol, now I don't....coincidence? I don't think so?
Good thread!!
Butter all the way...
Like I've stated before, I've been scoffing saturated fats since around March this year. I've drastically lowered my processed food and wheat intake as well. I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol, now I don't....coincidence? I don't think so?
You can't say for sure. I eat a shit load of wheat and other grains as well as other stuff and my cholesterol was fine last time.
The two main factors for high cholesterol are your genetics and being fat.