Anything that has the words: proprietary blend, or proprietary matrix etc, I find to be an insult to my intelligence. If you are giving the company real money, then you'd want to know exactly what your money is buying. I'm sure you don't have a money tree growing in your back yard.
I checked the ratio of carb to protein and found it to be about 2.8: 1, which is not bad.
However as Shrek has said, I'd go for my favourite of WPC (if you're not lactose sensitive) and I'd add Oatmass and macadamia oil instead of olive oil (just because it tastes like butter). If you don't mind a raw egg, then that would top things off nicely as a weight gainer, NOT as a pre or post workout drink. For around training time, I'd drop the egg because it may slow digestion down and blunt the insulin spike.