I have been I suppose guilty of saying squats will biuld big arms, but in the context of;
A good upper boby routine will stimulate growth in the arms but adding good heavy squatting will stimulate a lot of muscle, the bigger muscles, producing many chemicals in the body that spread throughout to stimulate further growth in the system.
I have been I suppose guilty of saying squats will biuld big arms, but in the context of;
A good upper boby routine will stimulate growth in the arms but adding good heavy squatting will stimulate a lot of muscle, the bigger muscles, producing many chemicals in the body that spread throughout to stimulate further growth in the system.
Oh and broscience heard today: "You got to confuse the muscles and keep them guessing" wtf..tf?
I have been I suppose guilty of saying squats will biuld big arms, but in the context of;
A good upper boby routine will stimulate growth in the arms but adding good heavy squatting will stimulate a lot of muscle, the bigger muscles, producing many chemicals in the body that spread throughout to stimulate further growth in the system.
As someone who is currently unable to do heavy squats or deadlifts, I have replaced these with Bulgarian split squats, RDL's much lighter and rows I guess. Do you think that would have a noticeable difference to upper body growth?
You don't need to "confuse" a muscle, you need to give it a reason to grow via progressive tension overload.
"don't eat xx food because it has sugar in it, except for 30mins post workout because then all the sugar goes straight to your muscles"
The word toning is annoying and working legs makes you bigger over all is common one
The indirect effect of exercise, in that growth somewhere produces some growth everywhere, the magnitude is based on the mass of muscle involved, in that the closer the neighbor the greater the effect.
as a muscle works intensively a chemical reaction occurs that spills over and effects the entire body.
since there is a limit to your overall recovery ability, and since many of the body's chemical functions affect the entire body, it should be evident that training everyday is a mistake.
which makes it apparent that the effect is greatest when all major muscles are worked at the same time.
All I'm saying, you can biuld large arms without working without working your legs - but you will biuld them much larger and much quicker, if you also exercise your legs.
ill go further to state that most trainees react to the lack of progress by procuring their own chemicals, supplements and shit, instead of using their heads.
"hard-work" should be its own anti-overtraining, if the intensity is high as it should be and workouts brief you would not want to return for days.
People on this forum tellng me all I need is a squat rack and oly bar with no attachments.
People on on this forum telling me I just need to train three days a week with a beginner routine.
Doing that and you would be training better than 95% of people in the gyms.