Age: 23
Height: 5'5
Weight: 67kg
Measurements (inches)
Waist: 27.5
Chest: 34.5
L Quad: 24
R Quad: 24
L Bicep: 12
R Bicep: 12
To replace bodyfat with muscle. Wanting to be around 60kg and firmer all over.
Want to get stronger. Lifts i would like to make are:
Squat: 90
Bench: 65
Deadlift: 135
Would like to compete in a powerlifting competition at some stage this year.
Height: 5'5
Weight: 67kg
Measurements (inches)
Waist: 27.5
Chest: 34.5
L Quad: 24
R Quad: 24
L Bicep: 12
R Bicep: 12

To replace bodyfat with muscle. Wanting to be around 60kg and firmer all over.
Want to get stronger. Lifts i would like to make are:
Squat: 90
Bench: 65
Deadlift: 135
Would like to compete in a powerlifting competition at some stage this year.