no idea, i know they work at ASN thats about it,
I think the PTC Beginner program on here is good for beginners.
Since it sounds like you still don't have a program here's what I did when I got past a 100kg bench...
Mon- Chest / shoulders
Bench press 5x5 (heavy)
*Incline bench 3 sets to failure around 10 reps per set.
Overhead press 4x5 (heavy)
*Side lateral raises 3 sets to failure around 10 reps per set.
*Rear lateral raises ^^
Tues - Back / Biceps
Chins - 5 sets, add weight
Dumbell/Barbell row - 3x10
Curls - 3-5 sets whatever you feel like.
Wed - Legs
Since I've just injured myself over and over doing legs follow someone else's "leg day"
Thurs - Mon
Fri - Tues
Sat - Wed or if I'm sore have a break
Sun - Break
This was my program for ages. I found I could add sets as I got stronger to the "*" marked exercises or even add another exercise e.g. dips to chest day and recover in time.
It worked pretty well. I had a few injuries due to form that have set me back and a few diet blowouts.
I made the best progress when my diet was in check, which wasn't often for me.
I made pretty average progress when I did 5x5 for ages at a weight that I could barely get for 5 reps for the first set - I should have gone lighter. I think there's something in the idea of keeping set breaks down to 2-3 mins for heavy sets and 1:30min for lighter sets.
Sometimes I did heavy triples or singles if I felt like it.