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Bodybuilding versus Powerlifting

100m is a long distance to some...

back to OP... sorta...

would BB be able to generate force in a larger range of directions, compared to a PL, which are optimised for certain movements?
All round athlete imo would be a top level decathlon athlete
They all do strongman type training with 2-3 days strength and conditioning training with an "events" day 1-2x a week (Willoughby)
I have some mates that compete in international ultra marathons that involve running between 50 & 90km per day for 5-8 days at a time. It's an amazing level of fitness and conditioning to be able to run that many KM day after day. I would love to have that level of aerobic conditioning.

I am in complete awe of their capabilities, but I doubt I'd have the motivation to run for such long periods. Then again, these two friends are a father and son team running to raise money to find a cure for diabetes and celiac disease that the younger son/brother suffers from quite severely.