Ohhhh you picked your gear up!??? Are you happy with it?? What you expected?
Also an update on the treddy fuse? Did it work?
Yes picked the gear up, and done some shopping, as most things are still way cheaper in the capital cities. Very happy with the gear, bargain for what it is, will be selling some stuff soon as I have now doubled up on things, but the new stuff is an upgrade.
The fuse.........well put fuse in and it blew straight away

disconnected motor, control panel etc..everything, put another fuse in and blew straight away again

. Lucky they come in a bag of 10.....
Spoke to York again and now believe it's the actual power supply unit or power filter going to the circuit board (about $90 to replace both), or absolute worst case scenario damaged power board ($290 to replace).....have a guy down to road who is an electrician and he might be able to test the power supply with his electrical test gear to see what the problem is, he will come out and have a look, at this stage no tread mill till next year
On a good note received my order of a months worth of Bulk Nutrients Test Boost MAX formula, was going to start it January 1, but when it arrived today I figured I will get a head start and started taking it straight away
Well it tastes ok, and is easy enough to just eat
Since it tastes ok (I was concerned about taste and not being able to eat it) I placed an order for another 3 months worth today, as well as a kilo of creatine.....the missus better watch out when this stuff kicks in, she will be sore but very satisfied

Tuesday the 18th of December 2012:
114.4kg x 10, 10, 8
84.2kg x 8, 8, 8
58kg x 8, 8, 8
40.4kg x 8, 8, 8
126.4kg x 8, 7, 7
BARBELL CURLS (ezy curl bar):
27.4kg x 8, 8, 8
followed by:
some ab work on new Samson adjustable incline ab board