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Beginners program?

This is crap.
He's not after strength. Why does someone who wants size have to be measured in strength?Gget you damn PL hat off..

Go by feel. When you think you are not gaining size, add more calories. generally it is the diet and training intensity that halt progress not the routine itself. Overtraining is another reason progress halts, less is sometimes more, remember this.

Please do not judge your progress by strength gains alone.

If Ronnie Coleman failed to bench 350 do you think he would have skipped the Olympia, no because it's not measured in strength?

Thanks mate. Fair call, I certainly will go that path. However it is always good to have goals to push myself right?

I'm also starting to look at long term goals, at the moment I want to improve the look of my body by increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat. I tend to think its pretty straight forward, increase muscle by lifting larger amounts which in turn will increase my metabolism which should burn more body fat. That would be somewhat correct right?

Of course diet is very important and my diet although not perfect I do ensre I get a large portion of protein to rebuild muscle and a good portion of carbs to ensure I have energy to lift. Thats diet will get better in the long run but is doing well for me at the moment seeing as i'm on a budget and can hardly change it.
This is crap.
He's not after strength. Why does someone who wants size have to be measured in strength?Gget you damn PL hat off..

Go by feel. When you think you are not gaining size, add more calories. generally it is the diet and training intensity that halt progress not the routine itself. Overtraining is another reason progress halts, less is sometimes more, remember this.

Please do not judge your progress by strength gains alone.

If Ronnie Coleman failed to bench 350 do you think he would have skipped the Olympia, no because it's not measured in strength?

Lol. A strong muscle is a big muscle. Whats the connection between coleman, green, efferding and warren? a 220kg bench.

Unless youre on a boatload of drugs if you're not getting stronger you're just spinning wheels. Even zyzz has a 130kg bench press.

140/100/180 is respectable, but its piss easy. I got there in 6-8 months. If you cant get to those lifts in a year even 'bodybuilding' then theres something wrong.

This is me after 6 months of lifting, 12.5kg gained on a strength program and not a single shit given about diet or hypertrophy. Can you top me?

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And for the record please don't assume anything about my goals. You have to compete to be classified as a 'powerlifter'.
I keep clicking refresh but I'm not seeing a lot of 100kg squatters who have made better 'gains' then me...
Congratulations on your progress, you have done well, but Mick is after body recom (loose fat, gain muscle scenario), I just fail to see what poundage he lifts has to do with his body recomp. I agree while getting stronger your getting bigger, but also don't forget there are some pretty strong guys with pencil thin arms and legs, do i need to mention the member's names?
Funnily enough those members don't eat.

Strength routines work better because:
Roundhead, even though theoretically powerlifting training isn't 100% optimal or 100% focused on size gains it tends to work well for most people because it inherently minimizes 3 of the biggest problems bodybuilders have in adding muscle. These are:

A: No tangible markers of improvement: As a powerlifter the focus is on getting stronger and adding weight to the bar. Do that over a long enough period of time and the size tends to take care of itself. Compare this to the bodbybuilder who is often more concerned with how big of a pump he gets and how his muscles feel.

B: Overtraining: You won't gain strength if you're overtraining and since powerlifters are focused on strength they tend to pick up earlier on signs of overtraining and as a whole probably don't overtrain to the extent that bodybuilders do.

C: Undereating: See above

I'm pretty sure all of that is why IA preaches the importance of creating a strength base before embarking on higher volume training. Becaue even though higher volume is better for muscle stimulation people are apt to screw that up unless they have a solid training background.

There would be no reason that with the diet to back it up a strength program wouldn't work as well as if not better than a 'hypertrophy' program.
Congratulations on your progress, you have done well, but Mick is after body recom (loose fat, gain muscle scenario), I just fail to see what poundage he lifts has to do with his body recomp. I agree while getting stronger your getting bigger, but also don't forget there are some pretty strong guys with pencil thin arms and legs, do i need to mention the member's names?

So my program is the way to go? (question for bot Oliver and yourself)
My diet has improved somewhat. Now i'm eating

Meal 1
2 eggs
1/2 cup Cold Oats
1 cup skim milk
15 blueberries

Meal 2
185g can tuna in springwater
salad of 2 cherry tomatoes
mango/orange/apple or other fruit

Meal 3
2 cup serving Tuna pasta salad (contains semi dried tomatoes, chargrilled capsicans, kalamata olives, olive oil, lemon etc)

Meal 4
Protein shake (1 scoops WPI/WPC 100% whey protein from Balance, 1/4 cup oats, 1 cup skim milk, 1/2 banana, creatine, l-glutimine)


Meal 5
Same as meal 4

Meal 6
Steak or 2 lamb chops or chicken or fish
2 cups frozen vegetables (brocoli and coliflower or peas or corn or a mix)
1 potato
So my program is the way to go? (question for bot Oliver and yourself)
My diet has improved somewhat. Now i'm eating

Meal 1
2 eggs
1/2 cup Cold Oats
1 cup skim milk
15 blueberries

Meal 2
185g can tuna in springwater
salad of 2 cherry tomatoes
mango/orange/apple or other fruit

Meal 3
2 cup serving Tuna pasta salad (contains semi dried tomatoes, chargrilled capsicans, kalamata olives, olive oil, lemon etc)

Meal 4
Protein shake (1 scoops WPI/WPC 100% whey protein from Balance, 1/4 cup oats, 1 cup skim milk, 1/2 banana, creatine, l-glutimine)


Meal 5
Same as meal 4

Meal 6
Steak or 2 lamb chops or chicken or fish
2 cups frozen vegetables (brocoli and coliflower or peas or corn or a mix)
1 potato
Looks ok. Just keep it simple.
Remmeber to have at least 40-50gms of protein per meal. Your first meal is light on protein. Try 6 eggs and 250ml of milk with the berries and oats.
I noticed this some time ago, it enlightened me.

Theres a few of them, lets name names:

Me: I eat every second day. Despite this im still bigger than most of this forum.

Sticky: Diet arranged by noobs and made up mostly of organic food. I calculated it at approx 1500 calories

Gareer: Diet wise he's pretty much there, but a severe overtrainer which undermines him.

No offense to the above, you're my brothers but I'm being honest.

A better comparison would be:

Nick - dude trains for strength and eats right. Bodyweight 110kg.

Iron - As above, bodyweight approx 100kg.

Max - As above, 80~kg but his bodyfat would be around 8% not to mention hes not hit muscular maturity yet.
Arnold is a big believer in building a solid foundation of mass through the big 3 compound lifts. Alot of the big guys from that era (even today) preached the big powerlifting style lifts are the key to building mass. Look at Reg Park, Lou Ferrigno, and the man himself Arnold!
Arnold is a big believer in building a solid foundation of mass through the big 3 compound lifts. Alot of the big guys from that era (even today) preached the big powerlifting style lifts are the key to building mass. Look at Reg Park, Lou Ferrigno, and the man himself Arnold!

also a big believer in gear & 'the pump'
Theres a few of them, lets name names:

Me: I eat every second day. Despite this im still bigger than most of this forum.
And how have you come to this conclusion?

Your a hypocrite .I drink mothers but dis on people who take Jack3d or other stims. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
And how have you come to this conclusion?

Your a hypocrite .I drink mothers but dis on people who take Jack3d or other stims. Hypocrisy at it's finest.


95kg. Apart from morgan find someone who frequents this section and is bigger.
Have you seen him when he was 19? He had the biggest arms in Europe. I'm pretty sure anyone on this forum would give a a leg to look like he did in his early 20's, which is when he was gear free.

I highly doubt he was as natural as a new born baby when he was 20. Europe is not exactly known for producing natural hardcore athletes. They are however, known for their pharmalogical advancements
Shrek what is your issue?

- You groom my posts and delete them.
- You've tried cutting me down on a number of occasions. Remember this?
- You shot me down on the 140/100/180 thing and I showed you up with before/after pics
- I put myself in a list of small forum members and amongst people who dont eat but noted that I am in fact 95kg. You then pointed out that I'm a 'hypocrite'. Am I lieing about being small or am I lieing about the fact that I'm not eating properly?

Either way you now have a picture of me at 95kg and approx 13-15% bodyfat so you'll have some explaining to do.
There's more than one way to skin a cat lads.....

Both of you have achieved good results.

Shrek, have you got a picture of when you were 50 something kg's?