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Geez its a few bucks per month. If it makes you feel good and tingly and motivates you to train then so be it. Never doubt the power of placebo's. [emoji50]
It's a lot more subjective to say you took xxx and it did nothing, when what you were doing to begin with didn't work. I think people like to think there's a magic bullet out there, and when WPI doesn't turn them into the hulk, it's shit.

Sups are just naturally occurring ingredients that occur in your diet, but in a more concentrated form that can be conveniently taken when wanted. They're just an aid to your diet, just like lifting belts or chalk is a training aid. Some people will get benefits from it, some won't. But the bottom line is that your need to have your training set up to your goals.

It would be like someone taking creatine monohydrate, feeling sick, and claiming it does nothing. Where in reality they have intolerance and need creatine hydrochloride.

I'm not pro or against anything specifically. I'm pro whatever works. Based on what I see here from people whinging about sups and following others who take them, it's clear who's making progress.
I gotta say, I've lost a lot of respect for SteveP over the last month or so. He's a noob who seems to know little, gets all this help from others yet shows a bad attitude with smart arse remarks at times.

Cue the smart arse remarks.

I only use smart ass remarks on those who do it to others.

Lost respect for what? I'm in the gym 6 days a week training my ass off, have my diet on point and give others tips where possible. I don't see many of the internet heros on here doing that.

Yes I can see your point about "high expectations" (magic bullet) and you one of these people.
mostly unable to be subjective, until you step away from it.

your analogy is flawed, because chalk and belts are in fact aids, in that it doesn't make you stronger, just enables you to lift more, in the end, does not contribute to strengthening the area safely directly required to do the lift.

There is no doubt that all elements of food have profound effect, and are critical, but the degrees of these elements of food, vary from one to another.

taking supplements is futile unless you know what it is, that is lacking, and this along with the tissue biulding and damage and repair that happens on a daily basis, every hour of the day it's just guess work.

The best one can do is take a multi vitamin
I only use smart ass remarks on those who do it to others.

Lost respect for what? I'm in the gym 6 days a week training my ass off, have my diet on point and give others tips where possible. I don't see many of the internet heros on here doing that.

Why the hell are in gym 6 days a week?

what are you "training your arse off" for?
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Let's not forget also that training is a continuum. We're not all born with al the training knowledge necessary to know what works best for us without (sometimes many years of) trial and error. No doubt the attitudes and methodologies you apply to training now are vastly different to your first several years of training. What someone thinks or does at a particular point in time is almost guaranteed to be different to what they think or do in 2,3 or 5 years time.

Its suspective.
Personal experience with supps is going to be a load of shit anyway. The effect they have is going to be absolutely tiny if any at all. Too small to be able to tell if it's working with all the other variables going on in your training life.

Along the lines of what silverback said people will basically convince themselves of their preconceived ideas anyway.

Along similar lines was all the positive reviews about how good no bull protein powder was. Then it turns out it was mostly a sugar powder and no one could tell the difference. Something as big as that and no ones personal experience could determine there was hardly any protein in their protein powder.

This always reminds of those who say they are creatine non responders... how do you know and how were you meant to respond anyway?

This is what made me reassess supplements, I was using at least a kilo of NB WPI per week, and thought I was getting results from it, then worked out that it was flavoured milk powder I had been taking for the last 12 month, so I stopped taking it and results were the same.

So I started looking at and eliminating other supplements as they ran out and again no difference,

Now train supplement free and results are still the same if not better.

Not whinging at all

What you forget is where you are today I was 25-30 years ago, it's a matter of been there done that, learned from my mistakes and moved on, now trying to educate people like yourself who get sucked into the hype just like I did 30 years ago. One day you will realise that all this stuff does noting at all.

You mention that sups work best when your diet and training is perfect, well of course they do, because your diet and training is working, has nothing to do with the supplements, if your diet and training is perfect you get results supps or no supps.

The stuff you are ingesting does nothing, and it's already in you if your diet is perfect, what you don't seem to understand is that supps will actually have a greater benefit if your diet is not perfect, as you then may be lacking certain elements ie enough protein in your diet, or you may benefit from a multivitamin as your greens intake is too low. That is why they are called supplements, they are there to fill possible gaps in your diet, ie have a protein supplement when your protein intake is low, have a BCAA supplement if your BCAA intake is low.

If your diet is perfect and you meet your daily protein needs, and eat some veggies and salad then there is no need to add protein powder as you already have enough protein.

From many of your posts here it is clear that you do not understand what most of the stuff is and what it does, like earlier in your thread you say this:

Blaming the tingles on the purity of the BCAA's, when it's pointed out that it is the Beta Alanine caused the tingles and that it has nothing to do with the BCAA's you try to cover it by saying 'I knew that', when in reality your post above shows that you had no idea what caused the tingles.

You seem to be happy calling people who have three times the muscle mass and five times the strength and been training longer than you have been alive armchair experts, when you don't even understand the basics and are getting some newby gains that I was getting back in 1983.
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