It's not my story. I'm summarizing the situation as it is. It's not my opinion or even my viewpoint. It's what the real world situation is right now. Just some facts that others on the forum may not be aware of.
e.g. To say that Donald Trump is president and is having a difficult time (Stormy, Russia, Guliani, etc, etc, etc,) is not my opinion . It's how the situation is at the moment.
So stop trying to politicize my input.
Yes, it is. That's my point dumbass. It's far more complex and difficult, not as I suggest, but as it stands in the real world. Getting ASADA drug testing for a second fed in one sport is, as far as I know, difficult if not impossible.
How many ASADA drug tested powerlifting federations are there in Australia? One (1). It's PA. Why not CAPO or any of the other feds? Because, despite having a token frownie, re drug use, in their constitutions, none of them can (or are willing to) get ASADA on board.
Now, before you spew forth more invective and get all pissy, understand that I'm not against APU, or anyone else for that matter, having ASADA backing/registration. I'm just pointing out that APU is having a difficult time getting drug testing sorted in the short term. They may never be able to get ASADA backing, but that just means they have to implement a private company to do it all for them. So, no government subisdy. Expect big jumps in entry fees, if that's the case.
But, without guessing or wishing for anything, at the moment the fact is that APU is not drug tested, neither in or out of comp. That's not an opinion, it's not something I like, it's not anything to do with my personal opinion. It's just how it is at the moment while the APU gets off the ground.
So, stop being so butt hurt and stick to the facts.
P.S. How's the training going?