Active member
APU or GPC only for me. GPC just for Push/Pull because its a fun comp with good people in Sydney.
I'll be competing with APU again eventually. Or just novice comps at my mates gym now he's also pulled his affiliation with PA. Though he might join APU also.
APU is the future for tested athletes in Australia. Hopefully with the collapse of PA, APU can build more funds and further improve thier testing program, and thier reputation (those guys are all ex. PA anyway so this should happen quickly).
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I have heard from others that APU has been run in a similar way to Wilks PA - like a personal fiefdom with autocratic processes.
For a group of such physically strong people, it’s amazing how the members of these organisations allow themselves to be bullied and kept in the dark. Nobody participates in the election of the board or bothers to ask questions about the financials or important policy matters.
So PA members like myself who have tried to stay out of the politics and just lift now realise they should have shown more interest in who was on the board and how the board was performing.
Fuck I’m angry about it. It brings uncertainty for 1200 PA members who have done nothing wrong and only wanted to lift. The gyms and stakeholders in withdrawing their support for PA have left hundreds of us stranded. Their action harms the lifter members. The board probably doesn’t give a shit about which gyms sever themselves from PA or not.
The members of PA have the power to install fit and proper persons onto the board, work out what has happened, make the results of the investigation public, remedy the defects, provide protection for whistleblowers and appropriate care for anyone who may have suffered harm but I fear it may be too late.
Some of us would not be made to feel welcome at APU, so we either quit powerlifting or get forced into an untested fed. (APL is not a fully WADA compliant drug tested organisation).
Not all of us who lift want to smash tren and die young. That’s why we lifted at PA.
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