Oops Saturday.
no, I was highly offended, as were others. as shrek indicates with his actions, he felt offensive enough to remove from the thread. cheers stiffy and thanks for your concerns.
anyway, it is great that the APU is growing by the day as the APU is indeed proving to be a be a fantastic national affiliate of the IPF, is it not woody.
Nice post Sparty.
Here's another one of APU's stonkest and most humorous
shrek, why did you alter woody's last thread. if he something out of hand, I would like that material to present to the APU.
Take your personal difference with Woody and others off the forum.
Email him.
Fark off. I don't want him emailing me
Take it to Thunderdome kunce!
shrek, why did you alter woody's last thread. if he something out of hand, I would like that material to present to the APU.
I didn’t alter anything, you’re paranoid, but I will delete the whole thread if I read anything about suing or taking people to court etc.
We come here to discuss and debate in a friendly way.
If it gets nasty then the cleaners will come out.