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Ausbb roundtable : ARMS

If I isolate my triceps I am getting some rear delt action in there as well
So on the pushdowns I'll bring my elbows down to initiate the movement then continue it by extending the elbows. Same with lying extensions I'll bring it behind my head and "throw" it up

Next time try this at the cables

more of a French Press movement...
Use the rope attached to work-arm of the machine...
elbows by ears and hands by back of, neck (back facing machine) lean forward a tad for a greater stretch...
keeping elbows in place by ears then straighten the arms... Start with light weight, proceed with caution.

I do these all the time, I call them overhead rope, but I don't think that's proper name, do they have a name?

Also what is the name for what I (most likely incorrectly) call sitting tricep press down. It's like doing dips but in a hammer strength machine, load up your plates, pad holding your legs down and press away.
I love them cos you can safely press more than body weight and they work, but I don't know what they are called.

1. I don't know grunta.
Cable french press?

2. Sorry I can't picture what you're doing, can you post a pic of the machine?
Awesome way to take the tricep out of the movement. Press it or call it a pullover.

It doesn't take the triceps out of the movement it increases triceps involvement
I can't accurately articulate how but [MENTION=10788]Chum[/MENTION]; is good at this shit so maybe he can.

The triceps also assist in moving the shoulder and the extended position has the triceps under a great stretch

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

Cable Pushdown (heavy)
Looks like I'm not allowed to hotlink .gifs so you'll have to follow the links
Awesome way to take the tricep out of the movement. Press it or call it a pullover.
Nothing wrong with that bull as it gives the triceps a good stretch at the bottom of the movement.
It's better then just bringing the bar down to the forehead
1. I don't know grunta.
Cable french press?

2. Sorry I can't picture what you're doing, can you post a pic of the machine?

1. Do you rest your arse against the post to keep steady or do you do them free standing? Hmmmm...Frech press.......hmmm...sound a little gay, how about "the douvelaki press"?

2. yanks seem to call them hammer strength dips, it's the machine below. I love it cos you can load it up really heavy and grunt them out.
What is this exercise called?

It doesn't take the triceps out of the movement it increases triceps involvement

I understand all that. I just disagree.

The shoulder rotation function of the triceps would be trained equally as well during pullups so I consider it a waste of time here.

The second issue is that the momentum generated by the shoulder rotation detracts from the elbow extension function of the triceps which occurs later in the movement.

I still say press it. You don't need the humerus vertical, put your elbows above your eyes but keep them still, you'll get the stretch and the press altogether.
one arm workout i did, was called the Tom Prince Bicep Bash. It was from a FLEX mag back in the late 90's.

Seated DB curls, 10 each arm, superset with standing DB curls, which are DOUBLE the weight of the seated DB's. And you just get them up as well as you can, maybe only 3-4 reps.

4 set of that, and your arms are fried. Its nothing fancy & you don't need any fancy equipment, just two sets of DB's...
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