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AusBB Odd Lift Leaderboard

Solid deadlift Freako.

Not as impressive as Untouchable, Adamklam and Dandexter but chalk me up for a 110kg Front Squat Burgs
I've bought a new clip for my dip belt, I should/will film an 80-90kg weighted dip... fuckload of effort though, gotta make a whole YouTube account etc just to upload the vid... mofos.

Edit: Unless I can email someone the 20sec vid and they can post it on their account?
I'll understand if you crapped your pants on the way up. I would have too.

Haha. Maybe.

Na really I would but at this stage im planning on playing footy and the last thing you need to do is give your opponents any ammunition or bring extra attention to your self.

Shit though zerchers are one of those lifts that are hard wether it is 60kgs or 160 and for reps I tried some back off sets. I get one rep then can't stay tight enough for the second and fold over like an accordion.