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Are YOU Man enough?!


SB: Ok Ok now; who said that?!

FC: Me, I said that mate; are you man enough?

SB: What’d you mean am I man enough; I’ll rip your head off and stick it where it fits you…

FC: Hey, slow down Silver Back; I was simply asking a question. No need to flex your muscles in front of all the ladies now. Just calm down and answer my question please.

SB: Sorry shorty; what was your question?

FC: See what happens when you get angry; you definitely lose focus. Now Silver Back, I simply would like to know if you’re man enough. Nothing to it really SB.

SB: Ah, Ok now I get it. You must be Fadi yeh, the new guy here?

FC: Fadi Chemaissem, nice to meet you. Now may I have the answer please SB?

SB: Sure sure. Look, you see those two hot sort drop dead gorgeous head turners stunners beautif…

FC: Hey Silver Back; I haven’t got all day mate. I’ve got other people on the forum I …

SB: Both are mine mate. Yehp; BOTH of them! Now, is that man enough for you shorty?

FC: Mmmm, I think you might have misunders…

SB: I misunderstood nothing bud. I know exactly what you’re on about. Now cast your brown eyes over there for me. Nah not there; there you blind bat! Yehp, that’s my Beast Maloo. Now what’d you think of that Einstein; man enough for ya?


FC: Wow SB, that’s awesome mate. That’s a R8 isn’t it?

SB: Man you don’t know anything do ya; of course it’s an R8. That’s a man’s beast. This baby’s got 6.2 lire LS3 V8 with 317kW of grunting-roaring muscles underneath its vail. You wanna talk to me; well the torque belongs to Maloo at 550Nm at 4600rpm. You want fast? Well do ya punk? How’s 5.1 second from 0-100km sound to ya. And d…

FC: Hey slow down mate, you getting a bit too excited there. I don’t wanna marry the bloody thing; I was just making an observation SB. But I must say; you really do know your stuff don’t you!

SB: Yeh yeh sorry professor, I got a bit carried a way there.

FC: A bit?!

SB: Sorry Fadi. Is there anything else you wanna know mate?

FC: Well actually I was wondering about the huge arms and massive set of shoulders and traps you’ve got there Silver Back. I mean no disrespect brother but…you’ve got chicken legs there mate. Is everything alright with your training?

SB: Ha ha ha; oh Fadi it’s funny you should say that mate. You know, since day one I’ve been careful not to do too much on my arms and shoulders…well I mean they grew with just enough you know. I don’t really go all the way out to obliterate them the way I do with my legs. No matter how hard I push in my leg workouts; they just seem to go backwards. Find it hard to recover actually, but I still push the buggers. No pain no gain you know. I mean it’s not like I’m not consistent you know. I push all week; week in, week out.

FC: Well SB, have you ever considered backing off your leg training and tried using cycle training on them?

SB: No mate, I don’t like riding bicycles.

FC: Mate I did not say bicycling; I said cycle training. You know, it’s where you work off your 1RM and design your whole workout around its percentages. You know there will be days where you’d feel like you haven’t even broken a sweat. And moreover, it wi…

SB: Whow, hold it right there Fadi. What the hell do you mean I won’t even break into a sweat? Now you want to make a mockery of me. Mate I thought you were my friend and now you want me to look like a bloody sissy in front of all the massive pieces we’ve got at the gym. What would they think of me if I did it your way now Fadi? Hah, they’ll say Silver Back is not man enough won’t they?!

FC: I’m so happy you’ve asked me that SB. Actually it’s the other way around my friend. Holding yourself back takes more effort than you can possibly imagine. But it’s like anything SB; you’ve got to reprogram your mind and let loose of those bodybuilding ways of hit and miss. Where bodybuilders around the globe have mastered the art of that sport disease we call plateauing. It takes one hell of a man to train the way I’m telling you here SB. It’s not easy on the ego my friend, but who needs an ego when his muscles respond faster than your Maloo exploding off the starting line! It’s all in the cycling SB; that’s where the secret lives my friend. It’s about time we brought it to life!

Ok, put your hand up if you think you’re man enough!

nice maloo i would be man enough for that I would kill to own one right now. I love Holdens here, so cool
Hi Fadi,

I've been reading everything you post on here. Most entertaining and enlightening. Is cycling training similar to periodisation? I've been waiting patiently for you to post more on this topic. thanks for all the tips
Hi Fadi,

I've been reading everything you post on here. Most entertaining and enlightening. Is cycling training similar to periodisation? I've been waiting patiently for you to post more on this topic. thanks for all the tips

Thank you for your comment Tony, it's well appreciated mate. Yes, cycling is just another name for periodisation; you're spot on. I'm glad you've asked that question Tony, because it shows that someone is getting the message which I've been slowly working to deliver.

No, I just don't get anything to do with cars, that's all. It makes me go... "what? huh?"

I didn't get that Kyle. The article's message had nothing to do with cars or women. But it did have something to do with attitude and wrong behaviour, (sport's wise).

Was it not clear?

I didn't get that Kyle. The article's message had nothing to do with cars or women. But it did have something to do with attitude and wrong behaviour, (sport's wise).

Was it not clear?


Does periodization principles apply to advanced lifters only?
I want to ask a question for the bodybuilders...

does periodization work effectivley for bodybuilding, or is it mostly for the weight lifters & powerlifters ?

Since i started powerlifting, there's times when i felt i could Easily add more weight on to the bar, but didn't as you do stagger the weight over the course of the month / week as previously promised to yourself!
I want to ask a question for the bodybuilders...

does periodization work effectivley for bodybuilding, or is it mostly for the weight lifters & powerlifters ?

Since i started powerlifting, there's times when i felt i could Easily add more weight on to the bar, but didn't as you do stagger the weight over the course of the month / week as previously promised to yourself!

I'll let them answer first then I'll come in PowerBuilder. This is not Fadi's forum but team Ausbb's forum.

yer my net stuffed up when i posted the reply and i posted like 3 times or something took me a minute to see what i had done... my bad as long as u know someone got the point,
I'll let them answer first then I'll come in PowerBuilder. This is not Fadi's forum but team Ausbb's forum.


I think you've given them enough time Fadi :)

But if I'm not mistaken, the point of your post is to say that bodybuilder's, or at least novice bodybuilders and lifters, aren't using periodisation or cycling training and probably haven't heard of it.

anways, I'm keen for more...when you're ready of course
I think you've given them enough time Fadi :)I'm keen for more...when you're ready of course

Hi Tony,

You've quoted me out of context there; but I know why and there's no harm now.

Ok Champion, let us start here:

There's only one real deal way of finding out your 1RM: do it!

Charts are written on how to find your 1RM (without doing it) based on what you can lift for 3, 4, 5, or 10 reps for example. You'll find that is not an accurate or solid way of finding out your true 1RM. As I've said; you've got to do it.

For example if you've been training regularly now for a month or so; you take few days off training where you prepare your self mentally and physically by resting. Then you attempt your 1RM in your chosen exercise. Let's say it's the mighty squat we're dealing with here. You warm up as per usual and you don't exceed 5 reps whilst doing so. As you pile the weight on, you reduce the reps to 3, then 2, then 1. The idea is not to exhaust yourself by wasting energy performing unnecessary repetitions. Also jumps would have to be substantial (say at least 10kg-20kg in the initial stages) and not 2.5 or 5kg etc.

Another very imperative point to keep in mind is the rest between sets. Whether you like it or not, and whether you FEEL strong and fresh and ready to kill it: you'll have to rest between 3-5 minutes between each set, no ifs and no buts about it. Your CNS can let you down in a blink of an eye if you don't give it its full "reloading" time.

Have you done a 1RM yet Tony?

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Thanks Fadi,

I've done 1RM for squats, deadlifts and bench. I would have had at least 3 mins rest when recording those.

Haven't done power clean as I haven't had proper instruction, just from text books. When practicing it i feel like i do it properly about a third of the time, coordinating the timing properly. Haven't done 1RM press properly yet as have had sore right shoulder. I've been doing one arm stuff preceeded by the rotator cuff warm ups and its improving. I intend to take a day to do press soon. Do i need to do 1RM for anything else?