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Are Deadlifts necessary for a Bodybuilding routine?

I dont feel it in my traps from doing MP. Nothing like power shrugs anyway.

Started doing power shrugs to strengthen my upper back and I would say they have done that.
When I started I never deaded. Just the main compounds push/pull. I was still built and solid, but deads later on added some thickness.

My waist/obliques have thickened from deads. Really need to build those lats up in that case.

Whether they're necessary for a newb bodybuilder is debatable, but they're a good idea none the less.
And it would take me a couple minutes to find a heap of BBs that say do deadlifts.

The fact that great backs can be built with deadlifts and without deadlifts proves deadlifts are not compulsory to do well at bodybuilding.

The power shrug does not really help the lockout as much as it does the very start of the deadlift. If you're shrugging 50kg over your max for reps then a weight will feel very light off the floor because your traps are not having to work so hard

seeing as this is the bodybuilding section.
Charles Glass (inb4 using google to find out who he is) advises against using deadlifts to build the lower back.

Player, as you know there are literally dozens of exercises you can do for the back, deadlifts being just one of them.
Regardless of what some say here, you don't HAVE to do deadlifts to build a strong muscular back.
Sure, if someone competes or wants to compete in a competition to display strength, then of course they'll have no choice but to include deadlifts as it's one of the required lifts but apart from that they are not mandatory for everyone.
If you or anyone else don't do deadlifts for whatever reason then use the miriad of other back exercises at your disposal to achieve the desired results and be assured that there's no need to justify yourself to anyone here, regardless of their blinkered attitude.
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The fact that great backs can be built with deadlifts and without deadlifts proves deadlifts are not compulsory to do well at bodybuilding.

From my first post in this thread.

You don't HAVE to do anything but deadlifts are most likely going to be beneficial.

Of course its not compulsory in BBing, nothings bloody compulsory.

My point and many others on here is beginners have no idea what fucking works for them. Deads are a proven back builder, best bet is put the hard yards in and build up the dead to a decent level before saying they don't build your back or aren't needed.

But like you said BBs don't have to do anything so who gives a shit If some beginner wants to find any excuse not to deadlift and only lift weights under 50kg and call it bodybuilding.
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good to have you back sir
There is no need to argue

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnO9Jyz82Ps&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Failure to communicate - YouTube[/ame]

Stronger lats/traps = hold starting position better = better lockout