As genetics play a large role in how your body responds to exercise I'm going to tell you that the dead-lift as a back builder is probably not necessary to a bodybuilder but desirable as bazza20 writes.
I'm just going to throw this in for thought.
The traditional notion is that rows build thickness and chins build width. Really it's more chins build lats and rows build the rest of the back.
To me nothing beats chins for the lats, period. But, they can be rough on the shoulders, especially for heavier people.
Rows are good for the whole back, including the lats.
It's a mistake to take rows and try to make them more of a lat exercise.
The whole back needs work to get really strong, and they'll help the shoulders stay healthy too.
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The squat has always been the keystone to my workouts and although I managed 5x5 for 200kg when younger I always cycled between the deadlift SLDL TBDL and leg-press, I squatted twice a week but never dead-lifted more than once a week.
I still squat a lot, but I can no longer dead-lift.
I don't think heavy dead-lifting over 5 rep's is wise.
Just my thoughts, it might not answer anything for you.