IFBB whilke not condoing drug (and I say drug not steroid because GH, insulin and diuretic anf thyroid hormones are not steroid) do not test their athletes and I think NABBA don't either.What about unnatural?
My take is that Epistane is an anbolic steroid and not a pro-hormone so i think you should wait 7 years.I did Methyl 1-D in June 07 for 15 days and Epistane in August 08 for 14 days as i got the flu. The rulings with the WNBF is 2 years exclusion for pro-hormones and 7 years for anabolic steroids. I would not join until my 2 years are up. I have not done anabolic steroids. Some guys that have been on heavy cycles for 10 years are joining the nat feds after being clean for a couple of years. I dont agree with this. Whats your take Shrek?
I understand your point of view but here is mine. Epistane is legal for sale in the USA and legal for import into Australia as i did, i look at it as smart play. I played the card and checked with the TGA as to whether i could import legally. As to what the product converts to in the body is a different story. I also did the correct PCT and new what i was doing. On the other hand if i did a cycle of Winni or Deca, Test etc and broke the laws while doing so then yes the 7 Years counts. I have spoken with the Federations about this and Danny Chau told me 2 years which i respect.My take is that Epistane is an anbolic steroid and not a pro-hormone so i think you should wait 7 years.
What's the point of holding up a trophy if you know you dudded the opposition, what's worse is if you get beaten by a natty when you've had juice.![]()
Did you notice good gains with Epistane? Is it still legal to import?
Might try ordering epistane instead of m-drol if it's legal and good?
Epistane is not legal. I don't know where you got that info from. I know numerous seizures of Epistane and Havoc. Just because it is legal in The US does not make it lega here.
You say you did the correct PCT, well the correct PCT should be Nolva and Clomd and or HGC and these are illegal without prescription, no if's and's or but's.
What are your stats now?
Do you have low BF%? Yes very low.
Is your diet 100% perfect? No, but I try the best I can with the money I have ($30-$40 a week for food).
Have your lifts stalled? No still gaining
What is the reason you need this extra "help"? With m-drol i would be able to gain 5kg in 3 weeks. It would take me about 1-2 years to gain that much natural at the rate I'm going right now.
Also I'm 6'2" at 81kg, 22yrs old.
Yes it's hit and miss with seizures but but it is on the banned list.When i ordered it from Nutraplanet it was opened and inspected. For all the ones that come through there are just as many seized. Epistane is more of a strength compound and a dry compound. I used anabolic formulations pct and cycle support which are legal.
Only $57AUD to get 2 cycles worth of m-drol incl postage. Not expensive to order at all. I got stimulated by Ruddy today for the second time, so I actually have a bit of money. Gonna stock up on protein powders and food =D