You don't have to run hcg with test, many people just cruise on test year round. If your goal is maximum testicular size then yes you should run hcg with test. 100mg test pw will shut you down yes more so in your case cause your still producing test. Did you see an endo yet, i can't remember if you had results of your levels or not? It comes down to how much your producing now, and you are producing some test so you may only need 50mg supplemented test pw on top of your own to reach good healthy test levels.
TRT still has its point even if it shuts you down. You'll still feel better on TRT even if your shut down and your libido etc will still be strong.
ok thnx. havent seen endo yet no call from them.
my bloods are..
S TESTO: 19.8 ref (9-28)
S SHBG: 47 ref (17-56)
C FREE T: 345 ref (170-670)
and of fucking course!!! ESTROGEN NOT CHECKED!!! FUCK THIS PISSES ME OFF!!!
don really wan mebtion it here but my boys ain't that massiv.
also when i was a small child i ate a whole pack of my mums birth control pills because i thought they were candy. i know that's funny but its true and i think about it every day and she used to give me shit abot it for yeears.
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