Registered Rustler
Looks like tradition as much as anything else, to me. Starting Strength only has 1x5 for deadlifts too.* So does that "Reg Park" routine on a few websites (that one's 3x5 for deadlifts, but the first two are warmup or ramping sets, just like the 5x5 lifts are actually 3x5 + 2 warmup or ramping sets).
Is there anything in particular that's wrong with 5x5, 0ni? It's not what I do, but it's sort of similar enough, that I'm curious.
* + warmups, like with most routines, right?
No there is nothing wrong with 5x5
I just do not like low volume training systems and never really made progress on them
It also doesn't often give people decent bench presses. It is a complaint I often see