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Anadraulic State Testers Needed !

I think Rajah has summed it up quite perfectly, although Rajah i would recommend that you take a little less per serve meaning in stead of 2 scoops take 1.5, and use more water in order not to feel the after taste to it.
I've only been having one scoop with about 500ml of water. Shit still tastes like shit no matter how much you dilute it.
Yeah, thanks, about to have it now.

So, seeing as I can't PM a staff member to find out things, are there are other restrictions on this forum? I can't PM until I've made 10 posts, I can't post URL's until I've made 15 posts. With the activity, or lack of, I wouldn't have thought this place would be so strict.

It's hard to make 10-15 posts when there's nothing going on.
It's to stop the spammers from posting links in one off posts. I don't think it's too unreasonable.
ZUZ i have just posted you some Anadraulic State, Champions Pure Whey, and some I-GH-1, please let us know how you go with the samples.
Looking forward to it AEK though by the sounds of it not the taste, but in saying that i have used musashi's arginine and feel nothing could taste much worse than that, tasted like SWEATY SOCKS... Also Champion Nutrition's MET MAX looks like a solid product, impressive list of ingredients (propably not enough dosage due to the amount of ingredients but at least they are in there) has anyone tried MET MAX?
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Id give you some of my posts if i could

If you start a training diary your post count will increase. Add some a recipe in the recipe section. Dis the cyclists in the bike section. Its easier than you think.
AEK, I received Supps today so thanks again for that mate .

Pretty simple regards the Champion Nutrition Banana Whey, tastes better than any other whey bar far - easy as to mix, Im in.

Will have 4 tabs of the I-GH-1 tonight so I will post results tomoza. AEK do you recommend taking before bed or Pre-training for best results?

Have my rest day tomoza so will have me first hit of Anadraulic State on Sunday morning and will post results.
Tested the I-GH-1, had 1 dose of 4 caps last couple of nights, felt a little more pumped yesturday than usual for a rest day so hopefully this will continue, though nothing miraculous as yet - early days. Will be training in a couple of hours so I will try one scoop of Anadraulic State 30 min pre and post findings --- Oh yeah again the Champion Nutrition Banana Whey Awsome!
Well AS from LG Science definitely delivers some extra pep in the gym though at no surprise to me as with most overstated pre training products “it reeks absolute havoc on the guts” which unfortunately overshadows the benefit of additional strength & buzz delivered. It took me 1 ½ hours to get through a 50 minute workout as I was in the standing fetal position after every set . At this early stage anyone with an iron gut may benefit from AS by completing a few extra reps per set (which is effectively what you need to grow) though you would probably need 2 scoops. I will persist by dropping the dose from one scoop to half and see if I can build up a tolerance. I didn’t think it tasted to bad as other posts suggest.
AS is quite strong so i have stated you may need to experiment with dosage, and also build a tolerence to it, if you have a sensitive stomach it may take adleast 5-6 goes to get the dosage right.

This is your first go at it give it some time it should properly kick in an about a week.
Understood AEK, I haven't written AS off by no means at all, I will have another dose today, again the Banana Whey is great... Third day on 1-GH-I not to much of a noticable difference as yet no trouble sleeping which is good. I will have 1-GH-I pre training today to try mix it up a bit.
Well I have reduced the dose of AS to a pussy dose (half a scoop) and I was able to handle the discomfort in the stomach and I actually did feel more dailed in on my workout, to get some strenth gains I will definately need to be able to handle a larger dose and I am about to have another crack at it tonight, after 3 days on the I-GH-1 I feel pretty good, hard to tell if it is related though at this point I will give it the benifit of the doubt.
Good posts ZUZ
I have had the champion whey before and thought it was good. The I-GH-1 i have had 2 bottles, one i stacked with Methyl 1-D which was very good and the other one i just took along with my Whey protein. Hard to guage how effective this product is with all the other variables.
Hey azza stay tuned for Methyl 1D pSARM it's going to have more ingridients in it, and the mg strength is going to be higher.