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Ok i'm almost at the end of my routine and I havent had tea yet, is it worth me taking the Cold Fusion with any Whey, waiting 45 mins then eating tea, then before bed have a scoop of Whey with the IGH1 tablets?
Edit: Bugga it!! i took the Cold Fusion and then the Champion Whey straight after it, The Whey is NICE! Mixes well too. will wait 45mins before tea as recommended
Jevan if you experiencing difficulties which i think is coming from Anadraulic state back off on the dosage only take 1 heaped table spoon and see how you go.
Remember guys Cold fusion and Anadraulic State should be taken on a empty stomach the whey protein should be taken adleast 50 min after the ingestion of anadraulic state and cold fusion
45min after eating or drinking whey, I take "A State"
wait 30 min then I exercise
take "Cold Fusion" straight after exercise, then
wait 45 min before eating or drinking whey
4 caps I GH 1 before bed, 1 hr after eating.
Didn"t feel much yesterday and didn't sleep too well, might try 3 caps tonight.
The Choc whey tastes relly good, one of if not the best tasting I've had. Mixes well too, "top marks on the whey"
Give the products a chance to work guys it may take up to 4 servings for you to get a feel for the product, it's great to hear that the Pure whey is working well.
Champion Nutrition are a big company in the U.S and very underated down here because no-one has heard of them.
They have been in buisness for over 25 years
But if you were to compare taste wise Optimum Gold whey Vs Champion Nutrition Pure Whey not only is it cheaper it tastes better.
t's only 66.05 per 2.3kg tub Not Bad For Branded Protein !
No Problem taking the whey with the I-GH-1 together, you may need to experiment with dosage 3-4 tabs, some people may experienced being more awake for the first 15 mins and then feel that they can sleep for longer while others dose off with in 25min of taking it.
Good to hear that everyone has received there samples, i would like to remind everyone that some posts will be used as refrences on my website, if anyone has any objections to this they pm message me and i will do as they please.
Finished the Whey tester last night, and am now bummed, Ive got a tub of another product (given to me for a Xmas pressie) to go through before i will be buying this one
Just so everyone knows that they are entitled to 10% off the whole order so when you are ready to order you will be getting it for 65.65 just remember to put in discount coupon aub10% on checkout.
Ive only been on the products for a day now, so cant post on the change yet, but i can definitely agree with the taste. The taste of all the products are surprisingly good, and very smooth without being too sweet, which often sets off peoples stomachs.
AEK can you clarify how much creatine and dextrose is in these?
Also, Ive been taking 7 IGH caps, i read on ur website 4-7, so hope this isnt a misprint.