If I take GABA before bed to induce more alpha waves, do you reckon that will help with more systemic release of test while I snooze?
not really
GABA although in science is apart of what controls out system
GABA itself doesnt actually cross the blood brain barrior so it only floats around in your stomach and blood and doesnt get into the neurons like for eg GHB
And its the research on ghb that has given gaba its name
the fact is it doesnt really do shit
its placebo
And alpha brainwaves are awake with eyes closed so yeah maybe it does that, as you fall asleep the alpha quietens and theta waves are mostly present and this is light sleep. what we are after is
Delta waves aka slow wave sleep
Where we release our HGH and testosterone and do legit repairing of the body which happens 20% of the total sleep time if your good.
interesting fact about sleep and brainwaves:
- the reason we get delta waves (ie high amplitude, slow frequiency) is because the 700 million neurons are all synchronizing and firing at the same time, they create a burst. high peeks and troughs. Not only are we releasing our hormones for the say, we are storing direct memories, exact copy's of real life memories are being transported to other parts of the brain and we make copys (short term to long term memory).
- whereas; REM sleep, rapid eye movement sleep, is known for dreaming but, its calculated dreaming, its completely different, we are mixing lots of things we have learned or seen or experienced, and like a puzzle put it all together for true learning.
so slow wave is for direct memory aka photographic (like copy paste) you could call it, and rem sleep is for more problem solving type memory, putting 2 and 2 together and getting that eureka moment.
edit: phenibut is the gaba type derivative that is legal and does cross the blood brain barrior, but its basically a 32hr long benzo... not really any good for any legit purposes.
the only one i know of that does work is ghb, and in the 80's it was over the counter in health stores, then for some strange reason there was a media hype about date rape drug and everything changed, now its worse than being caught with heroin... the fact is, it doesn't put people in coma's, it puts you in Slow Wave Sleep, which is extremely hard to awaken from.
the only real problem is, it acts on the gaba receptors and so does alcohol, so if you party and drinking heavy, then take ghb it can be really really bad and both are depressents of the cns and you can potentially stop breathing, much like a heroin overdoes... unlike take mdma and you will pep up and be able to drink more. knowledge is key.
edit 2: i can't find my notes, but i saw a study where they gave narcoleptic people ghb and they measured their sleep, it was the first to prove this hormone release that ive seen, and searching online it doesn't exist.
but simply, the longer you stay in slow wave, the higher the release (called a pulse) of hgh.
if you awaken in 5 mins, that pulse is over
if you stay in it for 20 mins, your pulse is quite large
if you are on the top end, 40 minutes of this hormone pulse! (we have multiple sleep cycles, so 40 in 1 go is enormous!, not total for the night, some could reach 3x 40 min stints)
And the chart i saw, wow, what happens during the day is a flat line at baselevel in comparison.
they took blood tests every 5 mins for 24hrs in this study, on multiple people and it told the correct story.