New member
Thanks again Kelly....
Thankyou again Kelly....
And...thanks for the brief N.T update.!
In 1991, Ed Coan returned to the (then....) U.S.P.F, after having lifted in the W.P.C for the previous three (or thereabouts...) years. At this U.S.P.F Senior Nationals, Ed lifted in the 100kg Class, & totalled 1092.5kg for the GREATEST LIFTING PERFORMANCE IN HISTORY. So enthralled was I when I read about this in a 'Powerlifting U.S.A' magazine, I immediately ordered a copy (on video...) of whichever day Ed lifted. Waited almost sleeplessly for it to arrive ; when it FINALLY did, chucked it in the old video machine A.S.A.P.
If you've not seen this particular performance, with Ed squatting 435kg & deadlifting 417.5kg, please try & locate this piece-of-powerlifting-history ; in my own mind, possibly one of the ALL-TIME GREATEST athletic achievements in history (there have been some studies undertaken suggesting Ed Coan may perhaps be the greatest athlete in sporting history, although, I'd not like to open a debate, or forum, with subject matter of this nature.!).
Yes always reading, haha no rush reply whenever you've got time.
Wasn't sure if you'd remember as you must have been pretty busy over the weekend. Everything's good up here, we've managed to attract another powerlifter (mitch) to the gym so now there's three of us! haha unfortunately I've never met smithy and I hear he is a busy man these days. As for the other experienced lifters Bernie Welshford and Chris Brown have both moved state. We had Dean and Vicki Cowan help us out for a while but they went off to QLD too so it's becoming harder and harder to learn from people with so much experience. Thanks for posting the outline of your training regime too, I'll have to find some of Ed Coan's stuff to read/watch as well.
Also jeez there are some strong guys here, wish I could be planning when I'm going to total 1000kg.
Thankyou again Kelly....
And...thanks for the brief N.T update.!
In 1991, Ed Coan returned to the (then....) U.S.P.F, after having lifted in the W.P.C for the previous three (or thereabouts...) years. At this U.S.P.F Senior Nationals, Ed lifted in the 100kg Class, & totalled 1092.5kg for the GREATEST LIFTING PERFORMANCE IN HISTORY. So enthralled was I when I read about this in a 'Powerlifting U.S.A' magazine, I immediately ordered a copy (on video...) of whichever day Ed lifted. Waited almost sleeplessly for it to arrive ; when it FINALLY did, chucked it in the old video machine A.S.A.P.
If you've not seen this particular performance, with Ed squatting 435kg & deadlifting 417.5kg, please try & locate this piece-of-powerlifting-history ; in my own mind, possibly one of the ALL-TIME GREATEST athletic achievements in history (there have been some studies undertaken suggesting Ed Coan may perhaps be the greatest athlete in sporting history, although, I'd not like to open a debate, or forum, with subject matter of this nature.!).