Thanks for the encouragement re. huge totals.
Adam, I was wondering if the projections in the routine you outlined could be used when competing raw (ie. would 5x5 of 240 on your last week of 5 reps be enough to get you to 300 in the coming weeks without a suit)? Also how's that essay coming along?
Also how much should you be able to get (ideally) from single ply suits in each of the three lifts? Anyone else keen to share how much they get out of their suits?
4x 180kg press after cleaning it?
insane, i love it
And heres me thinking a 300lb military press was an end goal
Pretty average effort for a guy weighing 110kg at the time anyway.
180kg MP for reps is one super strong human being in anyone's language.
Love reading your posts Adam, Can't beat the insights of a champion.
Adam and Steve, I (we) have a question for you.
Its in reguards to shoulder health and the bench press.
There has been quite a lot of discussion on this of late, and I would like to know a few things.
1- How wide do you bench? Adam it has been noted that you moved your grip out wider after the pictures in your profile were taken.
2- Do you always bench the same width, or do you go wider around competition time?
3- Have you had any shoulder issues?
I bench wide (index on the rings) but I have massively long arms. I can see how it could put extra stress on the shoulder.
I had a dull ache inside my shoulders a few weeks ago. I put it down to lots of heavy (for me) benches, lots of MP's and lots of chins. I stopped MP, and upped my fish oil by 1.5g and have had no issues since.
Now Im not "pro wide" or "pro close", each to their own. But I would like to know, in your opinion, is wide really that bad??
Cheers fellas![]()
If you could go back and tell your younger self (when you started lifting) anything, both in the weight room and in life, what advice would you give them?
Many have tried, however, fewer have succeeded in breaking All-Time Records in the history of domestic & international powerlifting competition ; we all watch (with some interest...) the success & progression of Gregg Gordon. It would appear he's well-&-truly on the way with his realising his own goals & dreams, HOWEVER, Gregg will be one of an elite few in his chosen sport ; concentrate on your OWN lifting, train SMART (& within your OWN limits..), never be afraid to experiment & set sensible goals. Encourage your colleagues, learn from their experiences & AVOID injury wherever/whenever humanly possible.!![]()