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About becoming a personal trainer

3 sets of 10.

So for example in Circuit one it was done:

Push Ups x 10 on knees Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 per leg, Inverted Row x 10, Prone Bridge rollovers x 5 each side, walk down to the roundabout and back, Push ups etc etc

I've got a lady aiming for a 90kg deadlift on Saturday.
She was meant to come tonight but has been sick (she almost passed out doing my Tuesday circuit class lol)
Shrek you like patting your own back yet you don't take criticism well.
You edited my post in Kyle's section because I simply told him to keep a log on Markos forum, I didn't post a link to the forum or call you any names. Any reason why you edited my post? I don't consider my post as spamming or offensive.

Any member that is against you, you have banned. Come on mate get real here.

If you don't want to associate this forum with PTC then maybe you need to bring down the PTC beginers program and tell Minh to write one, since he is now back and can finnaly voice his opinion. Or maybe wel just post more functional training clips in there.

You can edit this post if you like as well. Doesn't bother me.
How many threads are you gonna copy and paste this in?

Fucking unbelievable amount of irrational, childish whingeing in the last few days from a few members.
How many threads are you gonna copy and paste this in?

Fucking unbelievable amount of irrational, childish whingeing in the last few days from a few members.


The one's that are relevant. It was simply a question asked of Shrek. Not you.

Go post some tits.
It's a public forum, if you didn't want anyone else to comment you should've PM'd him.

When you start a thread telling everyone how you followed Markos here, there and everywhere, and you'll follow him to the next place, and how this forum is gonna be a 'wasteland' do you expect the mods to let you actively encourage members to head elsewhere?

Your assessment of Shrek's actions highlights your limitations.
You're just limited as a human being.
People can make up their own minds, they don't need anyone's encouragement.
At some point Markos (PTC Frankston) has been unbanned, and there has been less emphasis on breasts, which are both good signs for the forum, so I am willing to give it another go. However the steroids subforum concerns me, definitely the wrong approach. Anyway I'll hang around a bit and check things out.
While most of us normal people agree that breasts are fantastic ...I agree that currently there alot of great folks here training bloody hard at the moment, great to see!!!!
The PT is going well overall, ups and downs like everything else in life. No really stand-out clients at the moment, it seems I am becoming a bit of a rehab trainer whether I like it or not, as clients have shoulder reconstructions, injure themselves skiing or doing 100km Oxfam walks, get cancer, and so on.

We had a son a year ago, since PT can be done in a few hours in the mornings, it works really well.

Glad to know Ian is still alive, what's he up to? You have to ask questions or you remain ignorant, I leave that to the trainers working at Fitness First (sorry, Ian).
He works for Wyn or whatever it is re doing their information. Haven't seen him in a couple of months though.
I'd never heard of them before. So many companies offering certificates and CECs, it's not funny. There's even a skipping course out there.

I assume you've finished your degree now, Dave?
Just the post grad diploma. Master was a waste of time and dollars. Work has taught me much more than that would have.
Rightyo, I have checked things out. I didn't realise the drugs subforum was so active and detailed.

Since I don't post from behind internet anonymity, I can't risk my reputation by association with illegal and unethical activities like the taking of recreational non-prescription drugs.

Sad, the place had a lot of potential, pissed away.

I'd put in my contact details but last time Shrek just deleted them anyway. It was nice visiting, but goodbye.

You really think the world is that concerned with your reputation?

You'd think your an mp not a pt the way your carrying on.