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About becoming a personal trainer

Ah, if I could do such things... my gyms would look very, very different

But then again, some of them would fire me!
Kyle, I have to thank you for giving me the idea to make one of my clients run to the driveway and back between exercises. For once actually ran over time with her - normally I'm stuck trying to fill in X amount of time because she wants to push through it quicker than I'd planned on. Helped she had a cold but I think I've sussed it out.

Session ended up looking like this:

Bulgarian split squat x 5/leg x 5/leg

16kg KB Deadlift x 5
24kg KB Deadlift x 5
32kg KB Deadlift x 5
40kg KB Deadlift x 5
47kg Trap Bar Deadlift x 5

10kg KB o/h press x 10
8kg KB o/h press x 10
6kg KB o/h press x 10
4kg KB o/h press x 10

16kg KB Deadlift x 10
24kg KB Deadlift x 10
32kg KB Deadlift x 10
40kg KB Deadlift x 10
47kg Trap Bar Deadlift x 5

10kg KB o/h press x 10
8kg KB o/h press x 10
6kg KB o/h press x 10
4kg KB o/h press x 10

43kg Box squats x 10
5kg DB renegade row/push ups x 4/8
32kg KB Deadlift x 10
15kg BB o/h press x 10
16kg KB Cannonball x 10
3kg Seated Russian twists x 16

43kg Box squats x 10
5kg DB renegade row/push ups x 6/6
32kg KB Deadlift x 10
15kg BB o/h press x 10
16kg KB Cannonball x 10
3kg Seated Russian twists x 16

15kg BB Clean & Press x 30 x 20

Then 2 complexes with the 15kg BB. Can't remember exactly what I threw in but they were 60 and 50 reps total.

Then obviously warm up/stretching etc etc. Normally I just tell her to get a drink between sets/circuits but this time I got her to walk to the front gate and back twice. Handy to eat into a bit more time lol, and to swap over equipment/weights etc. I'd normally get her to do KB thrusters instead of just presses but she's been complaining of a tight hammy so thought I'd go a bit easier on them. No restriction as far as power output goes, just lost a bit of ROM (apparently she tried doing the splits after my Tuesday group class and tweaked it)
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No worries, mate, that's what we're all here for, exchange ideas.

I'm fairly fond of doing it circuit-style. For example, if they're to do kettlebell swings, rows, squats and presses, then rather than swing-swing-swing then row-row-row etc, I do swings-rows-squats-presses with the runs in between.

This combines strength and conditioning, allowing their muscles time to recover while running, and their lungs time to recover while lifting. And just as you can progress their weights and reps, so too can you progress the run - "run down the driveway and back... twice!"

They seem to dig it more circuit-style, and you get more reps out of them that way. You sometimes have to play around with the reps, though. Obviously they'll be able to squat weight X more times than they can press it, etc.

If they have the strength, you can do it with bodyweight exercises, too. Gets 'em puffing.

And of course if you have a group of people you can do them all as timed rather than reps. Otherwise the fit people are standing around scratching their bums while the unfit ones are still going. A minute of squats, minute of rows, minute of presses, then a minute of rest, etc.
I've noticed it a bit in the circuits (the standing around). Normally I make those people do more reps lol. Or try organise it so they go first. Or stagger them slightly etc etc. There's always ways to tweak little things to get it to work the way you want it.
As I said, timing it works well. For example, you set up kettlebells, each person gets 4kg, 8kg and 12kg kettlebell.

They walk in, you start the stopwatch, you tell them what'll happen, they get ready next to the line of kettlebells.

Clock hits 0'45" "Take up the 4kg kettlebell, feet hip width apart, weight through heels, brace middle... ready?"
1'00", "Swing!"
1'30" "Change sides!"
2'00" "Row!"
2'30" "Change sides!"
3'00" "Squat!"
4'00" "Press!"
4'30" "Change sides!"
5'00" "Rest! One minute."
5'45" "Okay, take up the 8kg kettlebell, feet hip width apart, weight through heels, brace..."
6'00" "Swing!"

For smartarses, omit the 1'00" of rest between the four-sets.

Can do the same with pushups, etc. Just depends on what the person can do and what they want to achieve.
Yeah. Worked it out well tonight. Had 8 so split them into 2s and had 4 separate "mini circuits" within the one bigger one
In 15minutes I think 1 lady finished the full 20 reps for each exercise lol
Monica came in, last session compared to this was,

Squat 47.5kg 1x20 ---> 50kg 3x5
Overhead press 25kg 3x6 ---> 27.5kg 1x5, 1x3
Deadlifts 60kg 2x5 ---> 65kg 2x5 - more than bodyweight

She had a bit of a cold, that's why we went to low reps on the squat. Overhead she was supposed to do a second set of 5, I wasn't sure if she could do it, so told her, "3 reps is good, 5 will be excellent." She stopped at 3 reps And of course no Tabata with a cold.

I am starting to look forward to when the women begin the session saying they're feeling sick, tired or sore - they invariably score personal bests in that session.
Yesterday I finished training my 0600 client, went walking trying to find my 0630 client. I found him in the circuit room on his knees on a swiss ball.

"What the fuck are you doing, Mark?"
"Working on my core."

"What do you think all those squats and rack pulls were for?"
"Oh yeah."
"Please get off that thing before you faceplant the ground and ruin your prospects of a modelling career."

To sort him out, the session finished with Tabata and ab rollouts. Maybe next time we could have Tabata rollouts, hmmm.

The boys learn slower than the girls, I tell you.
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Had 2 mums tonight, first did 2 circuits:

Box squat (parallel) @ 48kg x 10
Push ups x 5
Single arm KB row @ 10kg x 12
Prone bridge x 30s

Done 3 times non stop


13kg BB clean and press x 20
40kg KB deadlift x 10
32kg KB deadlift x 10
24kg KB deadlift x 10
6kg KB thrusters (squat and press combined) x 10
4kg KB thrusters x 10
10kg KB swings x 15
16kg KB cannonball (deadlift and upright row combined) x 10
1.5kg DB lateral raises x 15

This circuit was done 3 times in that order, then once in reverse

Second mum did the same circuit twice and once in reverse after
2x10 below parallel box squat w/18kg (empty bar)
1x4 3x1 bench press w/30kg 1x15 w/20kg
3x10 barbell row w/30kg
Yeah they both really enjoyed it
Second mum was a bit annoyed that she didn't get all 7 bench press reps, and struggled a bit in the squats
The first client was the one that doesn't like rest, and even she accepted the offer to walk down to the next street and back. Even made a point at the end of the session that it was hard enough she needed a rest

They've also learned to not cheat on reps cos I'll make em double lol
Today Monica at 64kg did,

Squat 50kg 1x20, overhead press 27.5kg 2x5, deadlift 70kg 1x3

She didn't even have a session, I found her squatting, she'd previously done 47.5kg 1x20, then next time because it was a hot day 50kg 3x5, I found her halfway into her 20 reps. Doing that on your own is pretty tough-minded, so I stayed to support her some more.
Yesterday at about 55kg Carolyn did,

BB squat 40kg 3x5, DB OHP 9kg x6, BB rack pull 60kg 2x5

She said, "Oh yeah, that's what I've been meaning to ask you, Kyle... what sort of gloves should I get?"

She's still getting to know me.
"Boss, I've got this woman to show through her programme this other trainer wrote up... but I can't find the programme card, or even her health consult form."
"Did you look in that drawer? And the files?"
"He probably took it home then."
"Why the fuck would he take it home? Does he think she's hot and wants to call her up?"
"I dunno, they take them home sometimes to write up their programmes."
"They need to think about the routines overnight? Does she have multiple sclerosis, a recent knee reconstruction, recent acromioplasty and a scoliosis or something? Surely we're not supposed to take the health consult forms home with us, confidentiality and all that?"
"Ring him up."

I rang him up. He had indeed taken it home. I didn't ask why.
"Tell me about her medical issues and goals."
He did, she was just a normal beginner with a sore back, "Now the routine I was going to give her -"
"That's alright mate, I'll come up with one, easy."
"How will you have time?"
"The appointment is an hour."
"Um, an hour is enough. It's not rocket surgery."
"But the routine I wrote -"
"If you wanted me to use your routine, you should have left it here. I'll do it." I didn't mention that upon seeing a previous routine he'd written, I had misplaced it and had to come up with a new one, I was worried that when I heard this one, I might misplace that, too.
"Okay but if you take her over you have to put her on your member retention sheet."
"You mean you want me to be responsible for making sure she stays at the gym?"
"Okay. See ya."
She was just a beginner who wanted to get stronger. I didn't have to think about it overnight.

Why the fuck did he take it home? And this is a common thing? What the fuck?
I would've thought trainers would already have any given number of programmes for the basic beginner.
If it was a professional athlete I could understand (though why a pro athlete would go to a regular PT idunno).
My programme design is simple. Everyone needs a deep knee-bend, to pick something heavy up off the ground and put something heavy overhead, to brace their trunk while doing so, and some people need one or two other exercises to deal with injuries or postural issues. And then they usually need to get their heart rates up. And afterwards stretch, though everyone ignores that part.
  1. squat/lunge
  2. push
  3. pull
  4. [maybe] corrective
  5. [maybe] cardio
  6. stretches
The only question is whether they're using machines, bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells or whatever. Which depends on their capabilities and goals. I mean some people are so deconditioned that they just can't squat below about 45 degrees above parallel. So okay, leg press for them for the first programme - since there are just 18 spaces to record workouts, so it's a month or two only. And others could do barbell stuff but won't be confident doing it, or simply won't want to - but will be happy with bodyweight and dumbbells.

Once you have that basic template in your head, provided you know the exercises you're fine. Train movements, not muscles and everything becomes much clearer.

If you think of muscles not movements you end up with routines with 12-18 exercises and cable shoulder internal rotations and medicine ball walking lunges with a twist and dead bugs and bicycle abs and dumbbell lateral raises and swiss ball crunches and all this other shit that I often don't know what it is and even when I do it confuses me because I have been punched in the head too many times in my life and I have to keep things simple or I get upset.

I mean to begin with, just fucking let them squat, or at least leg press with their feet out, they feel their arse and hamstrings working for the first time in their lives and are startled and insanely grateful.

For the vast majority of gym-goers, it's really not that complicated.