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About becoming a personal trainer

I've done that many, many times at my older gym. I had staff access to the whole builiding. 24/7. I'm nuts. On wet and boring sunday afternoons I'd head over there, put all the plates back onto the racks, neaten up the benches and all sorts of stuff. 24 hours latter it'd be wrecked. The members just had no respect for the gym! Not putting plates away is like farting in an elevator. Rude!!

Did you work there? lol
Awsome. 3 ladies from my group class have decided to ditch boot camp in favor of sessions with me (they're sisters so I presume they'll be training together)
Tonights class was a bit messy. Mainly cos of late arrivers and me under estimating the amount if mats I'd need for my kettlebells. Think next time they're all bringing their own yoga mats so at least I can do a bit more floor work - push ups, Nordic hamstring curls (with a partner), prone bridge variations
Hardest part is trying to form correct while there's people going everywhere. Luckily most are pretty good, and the weights aren't high enough to pose a major threat (although even a minor threat is one you don't want obviously)

I've done this at powersports before. Bastards don't even notice and it's messed up again in a day.
I've done this at powersports before. Bastards don't even notice and it's messed up again in a day.

What makes my blood REALLY boil is that there is a huge sign above the leg press, instructing to unload and put away plates after use. I can't tell you the ammount of times some 'want to be bodybuilder' loads it up, 4-5 plates per side, uses it....then walks away. I've unloaded it more times than I've used it.

When I tell the psedu manager, he says to stop complaining (abou people ignoring the signs), you see there's about 4 in a room the size of a large lounge room. He doesn't even enforce the signage.

Oh well....it's s light workout to unload the leg press, bench press station &/or other areas...the jokes on them.
So that boy started as a PT, has done his first week, no clients yet, which I supposes is the norm.

He told me that another PT at the gym claims to train at PTC once a month.

WTF, this guy came twice around June/ July last year, for a session with Max, hasnt been near PTC for 9 months or so.

Cool by association?

Once this guy gets a client, I'll let you guys know.
Saw a guy in Kew gym today. I watched him squat. I saw him glance at me as he squatted, "why is that prick looking at me?"

"Starting Strength?" I asked when he'd finished.
"Madcow's actually, but I did SS before. How'd you know?"
"Low-bar squat, below parellel, visible effort at keeping knees out. Plus you're squatting 130kg for reps, hardly anyone does that."

We got to chatting, he said, "You're the first trainer I've seen who knows anything about strength."
"Thanks. But trainers focus on what most people want. And most people aren't into lifting heavy shit."
"Yeah but it'd help them in their other goals."
"I agree. And I encourage it where I can. But most people still reject it. Which is a pity, because when they do it, they love it."

He wants to squat 160kg and deadlift 220kg, I told him to look up PTC Frankston. No, I did not say I trained there monthly. I just said, "It's hard doing this on your own. You'll pull 200kg more quickly if you're around 50 other guys who've done it, and 16 women who've pulled over 100kg."

He'll be stronger than he thinks, since the plates at this gym are undersized. I told him he'd been doing deficit deadlifts the whole time, he hadn't realised.
I'm just doing as I said I would. I'm someone who can get a guy from not squatting at all to a 120kg squat, or somewhere around there. After that he'll need a different kind of training. I don't claim to know how to get someone from a 160 to 180kg squat. I'm sure I could figure it out, but why fuck around. And Markos has got them there a zillion times. At least 50 times, anyway.

Plus I felt sorry for the guy. Tass, I think he said his name was. He's never seen anyone else lifting as heavy as him, never met a trainer who had any clue what he was doing, and didn't even know the plates are undersized. He's been relying on the fucking internet, poor bastard. There's a whole world of strength he could find out there, a whole bunch of people who could inspire him. And PTC Frankston is a good place to start.

Hey, lots of us rely on the internet!
In the posted video interview of rip and jim wendler, Jim said somethin interesting. Pretty much everyone on the net agrees on 99% of issues related to resistance training, the other 1% doesn't really matter. That 1% consists of creatine pre or post workout? 1 or 1.25g of protien per lb of body weight...the number of truing sessions in a week/month/cycle...
