Jman, I have no objection to people not squatting with a bar on their back. They can instead leg press, do dumbbell sumo squats, or even begin with a simple bodyweight squat. Those are all fine. Some are better for some people, but all those are fine.
All that matters is that they get their bodies moving and progress the effort, whether by increasing the weights, reps and sets, or increasing the range of motion or progressing the exercise itself, eg from knee pressups to pressups.
For example, one young woman the other day I had to write a routine for, she said she hated free weights. So, leg press, lat pulldown, machine chest press, and a few others for fluff. Doesn't worry me. It's a pity, since she was certainly physically capable of dumbbell and barbell exercises, but she didn't want to, so there you go. So long as she adds reps and weight from time to time, she'll still be better off than she would just walking for miles on a treadmill reading Woman's Day.
What annoys me is when I see pointless exercises, or exercises which are dangerous and offer only a small benefit, like the guy kneeling on the swiss ball doing overhead presses with 3kg dumbbells - which I saw another one of yesterday.
The young woman I showed how to squat and deadlift yesterday had been doing fixed barbell half-squats with 15kg for 15 reps... for two months. She did not progress the range of motion, nor the reps and sets; so I had to progress her on the kind of exercise she was doing. Even if she spends the next two months doing a below parallel barbell squat of 40kg for several reps, she has progressed in range of motion, weight and difficulty. Then in two months she can progress again.
All the dangerous but with little benefit exercises, the rehab for healthy people, the months at the same weight and reps, those are simply wasted effort. The people coming to our gyms set aside their time and put in a lot of work. Some don't want to progress, some refuse to listen. I get told to piss off by someone every day - not in those words, but you know what they mean. One woman was doing half-squats with the bar, but she never removes her iPod, won't meet anyone's eye, when I wave and smile she looks down and hurries on - okay, she doesn't want help or a chat, I leave her alone.
But many absolutely do want to progress, and are interested in learning about their bodies and exercises. As trainers and coaches, we owe it to those people to give them the encouragement and information they need and want.
That's what they're paying for. Equipment? Bah, with a typical year's gym membership they could get all the equipment they need. They're paying for the atmosphere - lots of people working out - and the instruction. When trainers hang around near the desk saying, "yeah, he's useless, he'll always be like that," they are denying the person instruction. They're not earning their money. And that pisses me off.
It's not like we have a really hard job most of the time. All we do is talk to people about a subject we love.