ive admitted aesthetically C T looks alright but hes got to that physique by the use of drugs as well.thats not for beginners.please reread my post again and take into consideration the fact that from what i can gather, he barely does compound movements.
beginners should make them the priority.Squats and deadlifts especially release natural hormones that will increase size naturally.as i said before,get to a certain size and shape then refine if u wish.drugs may or may not come into ur thinking by that stage and thats your choice.
im not knocking it ,merely elaborating.
hes full of shit about guys look horrible who make compound lifting their priority.theres guys at the top of the powerlifting tree especially in the lower weight classes who have great physiques.they have a thickness that guys who follow C Ts methods dont have.however..whatever.lol....whatever floats your boat man.