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13 year old girl Benches 240lb RAW

You're asking why someone that doesn't compete in powerlifting gets an opinion on the rules of powerlifting? The fuck? Would be like me saying that current weightlifters being able to brush the bar up their thigh is cheating and that the bar should be lifted "clean" up to the shoulders. Fucking cheaters right?
It's like a strength coach saying to the skills coach, I can make your boys faster and stronger if we give them these supplements, nek minut.

what I am saying is that I, who has competed only once in powerlifting, would not feel that someone that has not competed does not have something useful to say. This would remain true for me even if I competed 1000 times in powerlifting.

I don't think anyone's opinion is sacred, just because they are experienced.

I am more into logic, albeit what I think is right is subjective.

Take Silverback. please don't say he is not a smart bloke. He gives considerable thought to what he says, and is a great contributor.

Whether he lifts or not, whether he is strong or weak, means nothing to me.

Again, does a gynaecologist always have a ****.

Did Vince Lombardi, the famous NFL coach, even play American football.
Because the people actually involved in the sport don't moan about this shit

I think we are looking too much at the extreme end of arching, there are people who can take 30% off their ROM with an arch, but it's not JUST about taking off the ROM.

For me, i only arch at above 85-90%, and i get a very slight reduction in ROM, which i think does not really add much more weight to the bar, but it allows me to tighten everything up and really push my shoulders back into the bench/retract my scapulae. It's not exactly a hard skill to learn, and as long as you don't do it excessively i can't see an issue in regards to back health.
not true, moaning goes on everywhere.

Federations split over such issues.

That is why there is 2,032 feds, is it not.

I mean this fed is no good, we will start another one. This fed drug tests, we will move to another one. Judging in that fed is too loose, join another one.

Last time I spoke to a champion powerlifter, about a month ago, non-stop complaining.
Yeah I'm sure this "champion powerlifter" moaned non-stop about a 13 year old girl benching 110kg with a big arch

Nice lies
for those saying back flat on the bench, hands no more than 100mm from shoulders, and start at the bottom of a squat..

How do you judge that?

Back is a wide term.. lower back?, upper back, middle?
if you push your middle back in to the bench you can't set your shoulders/scaps in place and probably get injured.

How do you measure 100mm from shoulders for each lifter?
Which part of the shoulder do you measure from?

Starting from the bottom of a squat... at what height do you place the bar for a 6'2" lifter and a 5'0" lifter? How do you take in to account size of calf and hamstring that of each lifter which will prevent them from getting to same depth as mr nocalves?

Your suggestions are stupid.

Rules are that the back and bum must touch the bench. If you have the flexibility to bend in a way to use your god given flexibility/leverages then good for you.

Everyone has an opinion and is free to express it.. and that is NOT what is ruining this forum/section.

It's the WAY that you do it..
Oh it's SHIT
It's cheating
it's a shit sport
equiped lifting is not lifting

This type of keyboard warrior posts are what ruin the forum.

Have an opinion. it's a discussion forum. But troll posts are doing nothing but ruining the place for people.
like is said, even if was a champion and competed 1000 time, I would still be moaning about it.

Or perhaps, you would prefer I lied and just said 'wow what a great lift by the 13 year old'.

Or perhaps we should all be robots, praise and say nothing.

Now that would be some forum.

fair enough about difficulties of judging it.

However, as I suggested earlier, some consistency would not be bad thing.

As it stands, tall guys cannot do the 13 year old year version.

I could be wrong, but I also doubt whether 2 inch (or whatever) movement will make much appeal beyond those competing.
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It's a sport based around a couple bros getting together to see how much they lift
It's not golf xD

This is a 13 year old girl that benches 110kg. If it's cheating to use that ROM then go ahead and do it so you can show everyone up
yes, I know.

I feel consistency would make it an even better strength sport, and offer greater spectator appeal.

For all of the talk against those bagging powerlifters, remember winning them over also boosts the sport. These guys are also serous weight trainers and interested in strength sports. Why let a few crude words supposedly ruin the debate?

You will never get everyone having similar technique, but options could be consistent to all. Like I said, I could never do the 13 year old's style, even if wanted to.

I never said she was cheating, perfectly within rules as other critics acknowledge.

Obviously there is discussion by powerlifters of style. Why else did IPF bring in new rules in terms of acceptable range? Perhaps a few of us would like to see rule go further.
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It's a sport based around a couple bros getting together to see how much they lift
It's not golf xD

This is a 13 year old girl that benches 110kg. If it's cheating to use that ROM then go ahead and do it so you can show everyone up


Who's saying it's cheating?
I actually think it is a positive that a skinny 13 year old girl can use other skills like flexibility to assist her to lift freakish weights. It's a leveller.

To me, for a section of a board dedicated to "Power Lifting" (sic), there is way too much focus on the negative, than the positive.

For me, powerlifting as a sport is far more accessible than other individual athletic sports. It is one of its best attributes. I'll go so far as to say it is one of the most accessible sports in existence. This is why it is growing at a rate of knots.

If you have freakishly long arms, you are going to be at an disadvantage in the bench press, but you'll make it up in the deadlift. If you're short and stumpy, you'll squat and bench better but be at a disadvantage in the deadlift. Are you big boned and like to eat? SHW. At the other end of the scale, look at Fedosienko or Michael Kuhns. They can reach the pinnacle of their sport, despite being of small stature. You reckon they could play basketball, at any level? Look at Fedosienko's bench press - his ROM is about 4 inches, despite using very little arch...because he is under 5 foot tall. Should he be penalised for that? But he can outbench 99% of people on this forum, weighing 59kg. You have paralympic powerlifting and blind powerlifting. Lepeka Nanai, who trains at Melbourne Uni, is totalling over 700 raw (without wraps) as a blind man.

You can continue to improve in powerlifting well into your 40s and 50s, and sometimes beyond.

Very few sports offer this. Olympic weightlifting certainly doesn't. It's impressive, but it's very technical and favours athletes with very particular attributes. Unless you have been doing it since you were child, you really have no business trying to reach the elite level.

Yep, powerlifting has aspects that can be improved, but it's an awesome sport. Despite being pretty shit at it and the fact I will never be an australian champion, I will always continue to get stronger so long as I work hard. Everyone else is there supporting you every step of the way. That's why I do it.

Powerlifting FTW.

You are correct.

I asked Sticky and polke what implications it would have.

Getting out the tape measure and micrometers for every individual would be a bloody nightmare and not pretty to watch.
Something being a "mockery" implies unfair advantage which is synonymous with cheating
Strong enough, good post.

yes, I agree it is a good sport, and a sport for all ages. I hope to join PA in the future and compete as an old man.

Personally I would like to see the sport get bigger. I am interested in any idea or discussion that can improve the sport.

Big fan of PA forums, a lot of useful information which may lead to further improvements.

This place is like a family get together.

You often remind me of that little shit stirring nephew, that runs around the back yard with a bucket on his head.