just keep going until it kills you. 100x10x10 would be very cool. i would probably to it for 6-8 weeks, then reasses. it will be hard.
i saw a pretty cool program a while ago. start with 6x6 do that for two weeks. then for the next two weeks with the same weight do 7x7, then two weeks 8x8, etc until 10x10.
that could be a good way to easy into the volume. but picking a starting weight could be tricky. 9 weeks til 10x10 so i suppose 80-90kg would be an alright starting weight. you could always change the weight but it would be cool to look back and say 9 weeks ago i struggled doing 6x6 and i just did 64 more reps at 10x10
my friend did a similar one. 4x4 to 7x7. just go it done.