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I wouldn't mind giving this 100 burpees a try, I guess it's best to do it (or rather try it) on a rest day? How do you guys go about fitting it into your schedule/programming?

Since they are high intensity you could make it into extra long Tabata workout - no wonder people are dropping kgs!

Yea do it on rest day.
I managed to trim a minute off PB yesterday afternoon taking it to an impressive 7:35. A client I was training yesterday previously did it in 18:58 and got an 11 minute flat so he was over the moon.

Always a great character building set the old 100 burpees.

I've got 10 of the guys in my team at work doing burpees at lunch 3 times a week. Several have dropped 4-5 kgs in 3 months just doing it adjusting diet.
Now they have challenges for quickest times. Its great motivator especially in groups
From strength villian. this is how im progressing my burpees. I think doing 100 straight up is too much.

Challenge #1
is an old Greyskull standard, and here it is.
100 Burpees in 5 minutes.
We all know the burpee. It is a terrible calisthenic movement that elicits a very shitty systemic feeling when performed quickly and for high reps. Accomplishing 100 of these nasty SOB’s in 5 minutes means holding a 1 Burpee every 3 second pace or better for 5 minutes.

An overweight and or out of shape individual could begin by doing 3 or 4 sets of 5, with the goal being to accomplish the sets in less than 15 seconds per. Once they can do that, they would add a few reps, trying for sets of 7 or 10. Each time the time goals are made across the board, they would add repetitions per set.

A more in shape individual might begin with sets of 20 to be done in 1 minute, or even (as I would advise) sprint sets of 10 to be accomplished in 30 seconds or less.

The simple goal formula is: #of Burpees x 3= Target in seconds

The idea here is consistency, working towards a goal over time. This is something that can be trained daily, as in 7 days per week. How much do you honestly think your strength training will be affected by 3 sets of 10 burpees? I would have you do this after your weight training on training days, and on all of the other days in between with the understanding that missing a day here or there certainly isn’t the end of the world. After all it is what we do most of the time that matters, not what we do some of the time.

Ask yourself, what do you think the cumulative effect of the work necessary day in, day out, to knock this goal off of the list will be on your cardiovascular health/fitness/conditioning? What about your body composition? Do you think that your body will look exactly the same as it does now once you can accomplish this goal, assuming you are a ways off? I often tell beginner trainees desiring more upper body development that when they can bench press 100 pounds more than they can currently they will look like a guy who benches 100 pounds more than they do currently. The same goes here. Consistent effort towards the goal over time is hands down the most important variable in training as well as in many other aspects of life.

This challenge is an example of the villain mentality as it applies to training. Eat lots of good food, lift heavy weights, chin, dip, condition with calisthenics and other methods, and you will in time take on the appearance of a guy or gal who consistently does all of the above mentioned things. You do not have to be fat and sloppy to be strong. To quote my friend Anthony Roberts, we are about building “a nation of linebackers”.
The OP has been updated; we're seeing some real fast times there. Well done for just having a go, as this in itself is courageous enough in my opinion.

Bumping this I'm coming back from hip injury and currently doing one additional burpee per day. WIll be going until I get to day 100. Am currently at day 47. Did 46 in a cruisey 2min55 yesterday. I'm thinking that as I get close to 100 to space it out and do them as my only cardio on off days from lifting as I don't want to hamper recovery ability. Would you agree with this Fadi? (assuming adequate rest and nutrition. And I'm doing PTC beginner's program)
I agree. And of course you're going to need to space them out (into sets), as only superman can achieve 100 non stop! Welcome back from surgery and it's great to see that you're not only back on your feet, but you've chosen to tackle the most challenging of all cardiovascular/respiratory movements out there. Well done Champ!

Who is jimmyrut lol?

Damn i got 8 mins last time, wonder what i get now after more weight.
A brazilian guy in my class did this ( because I made him do it ), 7:10 was his time. I'm too scared to try
Is this still going?

I had my first go at this today as i was curious to see where i'm at relatively speaking.. 9 mins 48 seconds i had my old man counting out loud to keep me motivated which helped after about the 20th when the pain set in.. (sets were 30-10-10-10-10-30)