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We should keep each other accountable Dave. I have to loose some of thus excess bulk flab I aquired during my cycle. Pct is tough and your mood and motivation do take a plunge. What do you reckon Dave when do we start?
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Done, lets start tomorrow. You want a thread to keep us honest or just PM's?

Days off lifting 2x a day. Days lifting 1x a day. Sound fair enough?
awesome time Michael, gonna be awhile before someone beats that one. i might go again soon i want a sub 10 minute time.
Start a training log where we both check in? Call it: first Dave and gauche's burpee's log

Problem... Can we start next week as I've been recieving physio all week for my lower back so I haven't trained this week at all. I feel I'm ready to do it but I don't want to push it. Even Saturday would be fine?
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Saturday it is, I'll start a thread. All you have to do is put in done or not done, and when not done get ready for flamming.
Bahahah flaming it is.. I reckon we put our times in everyday too man just to show improvment. How long we doing this for?
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2 weeks for review for now. If there is no punking out then we can keep it up for a month and see. Might even go 3

Times it is, just so everyone doesnt know 10 minutes for me means 20 minutes and so on
I'm going to do twenty tomorrow off the records to see how my back feels. Will update you on it. It felt real good today but I wouldn't be gane to squat or dead at the moment.
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Just thought to myself... If we only have to do one set on a workout day I should start a 6 day a week body split routine.
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lol anyway to get out of the extra work gauche. Do some volume work like me, beat my volume and you'll be ripped in no time.
I couldnt list everything. It'd take all night. But I go until I can't go anymore. Plenty of volume. Any exercise I do is for five sets. And I go hard. With about 30 seconds rest in between.
I did 50 in 10.05.
Woeful I know. The burn in the legs is what fark's me. I was dripping in sweat like never before.

I will continue with 50 until I get down to bout 6-7 mins before attempting 100. 100 right now would probably take in excess of 25 mins I reckon. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

I am expecting 25 plus on my first attempt if I do not die midway.
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I did 12, then 8 then 5 reps 6 times. I just need to shorten the rest breaks in between and try. I want my first attempt to be around 15 mins, that's why I want to work on the 50 for a few days.
I did 20 10 15 10 15 10 10 10. Starts tomorrow Dave you ready? What time are you doing your first session. Also pm me your phone number.
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Takes about half an hour before you feel good. I was coughing and dry reaching this morning. I did 12.21 when I weighed 90 odd kilos and did pre season football training and I thought I was fit! You sir did very well!!
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There must be some benefit to being a lightweight and you can imagine how I feel now when I dove in for a shower straight after then bolted a good 800m in 3 minutes to make it for a train in the city.

I think I'll keep doing these, it's the only form of cardio I've had in the last month or two.
I spoke with a bloke today who runs a crossfit gym. I asked him about a 100 burpee challenge. He told me he'd competed 500 burpee challenge. He said the whole thing took around 35 mins
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