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did it again today, roughly 15mins on an analogue watch.

Still not addicted

Once I get fitter, I will have another crack with a stop watch, not enough of an improvement to worry about it yet.

Vovo, let me share with you a little secret my friend. 100 is a goal all by itself. People work hard to reach 100, and after having reached 100, then they work on reducing the time factor. You my friend have already and so quickly conquered the mountain peak, now it's about climbing yet again albeit faster than you've done it before. Either way, in my eyes you're already a Champion!

Had a crack, got to the hundred in 18:16....was pretty close to spewing at 60 after getting the first 50 in 6:48. My girlfriend did the 100 (straight arm in 14:16) and the first 50 in 4:45. Glad I finally had a crack at it though, its probably the toughest workout I've done.
Wow that was intense! Did the first 80 in blocks of 10 and had to do the last 20 in blocks of 5, Im ruined!

My time was 16:31. I know I can improve on not only the time, but getting them all out in blocks of 10, then 15 and so on.

Thanks for the challenge Fadi!
I'm going to have to try this insanity!
Taking up the challenge is a challenge in itself .

If I survive, I'll post my time tomorrow.
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i just did a 10.40 pretti slack.. socks on carpet... towards the end depth of push up was not as deep as the first 50 reps, more like drop my weight annnddd presssss
I decided the other day that I'm gonna have a crack at this too, but not for several more weeks yet. I need to gradually get my condition back up, as I haven't done any cardio at all while I've been bulking. I've decided to start cutting now and I'll give the burpees a crack.

When I did them earlier in the year it was part of a circuit training routine where I did various exercises for 30 seconds each, using a kitchen timer to beep at the end of each one. Star jumps, kickboxing & boxing moves, burpees etc. I used to do 12 burpees in 30 seconds and that was BY FAR the hardest of all those exercises. So doing 100 should be a very pleasurable experience no doubt.
I had been working up to the 100 for a little while (makes me realise how unfit I am), was feeling a bit off and tired the other day and thought some exercise would sort it out, got home, cranked out a quick 30, then stopped as I felt like I was going to spew, woke up in the morning with flu like symptoms (daughter was crook and must have spread her lurgy). Will give this a fair old go again next week when feeling 100%.
Some bloody quick times on here though, great effort everyone.
I managed 100 in 9:40 but they were mostly staight armed burpees, man I had sore calfs the next day. I will have to work on the push up burpees.
ok ok ok This arvo when I get home I will be doing these... last time I did it with a gut full of icecream and ended up with my head in the toilet and a batted ego today I will conqour them.
done 7 mins 48 seconds .. heart rate would have pushed 200 I rekkon was gonig pretty quick .. id say these were on par with tabata UDl and tabata thrusters.I did full push ups for every rep but my jumps got a little small towards then end due to leg workout this morning. Ill deffinitly do these once or twice a week before bed as my heart rate was up for a good 20 mins after doing these.. im only just starting to stop sweating 30 mins after.
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Alright I'm going to do this again. I think it was nearly a year ago when I posted my time and I haven't done any cardio since about April. When I did my last time I was in the middle of pre season football training so my fitness was pretty good.

Hoping 13-14min

I'll also have my partner do it...

Fadi realistically how many times should this be done a week with three days of weight training. 100 once 50 twice? Just starting my summer cut after my bulk took me to 100kg.
Posted via Mobile Device
Fadi realistically how many times should this be done a week with three days of weight training. 100 once 50 twice? Just starting my summer cut after my bulk took me to 100kg.
Posted via Mobile Device
100 twice a day everyday until you get down to your desired weight, which won't be long if you follow my suggestion and your metabolism really takes off. After that, you can ease right down to 50 burpees done thrice a week to maintain some level of cardiovascular fitness.

I don't/can't do burpees due to my shoulder injury, so I climb 176 steps 3 xs during the night in addition to walking few kilometres. I'm down to nearly 70kg.
