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  1. A

    Study says sex with more than 20 women protects men from prostate cancer

    SEX with 21 women: It may wreck a man’s marriage, but could it save his prostate? New research suggests so. A study from the University of Montreal suggests that sex really is a necessary ingredient of life for men — protecting the promiscuous from prostate cancer. The survey found men who...
  2. A

    Broscience Bullshit/Vent thread

    I hate the "you need protein 20-30 minutes after your workout or else it was useless
  3. Catalyst: Testosterone in men and women

    This was a very interesting program. How testosterone, or the lack of it, influences the lives of men and women. http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/catalyst/SC1302H010S00
  4. A

    Norwegian women winter olympic gold medal winning team, working out in an improvised

    Norwegian women winter olympic gold medal winning team, working out in an improvised gym in a basement in Italy...
  5. J

    Break ups

    Hi all, I'm not quite sure what I hope to get out of posting my question on a public forum but here goes. I've been with my current soon to be ex for 4 years now. We got engaged after 9 or so months but never had an official engagement. She was simply happy to wear a ring with no intention...
  6. 10 Mistakes Women make with Diets.

    T Nation | 10 Mistakes Women Make With Diets Here's what you need to know... •  TV weight loss plans and "pretend" health foods keep women in the dark about sustainable healthy eating habits. It's time they take control of their own diets. •  Most women diet by using methods that slow their...
  7. L

    crossfit women

    If anyone is bored and needs something to watch Andrea Ager- CrossFit Tabata - YouTube CrossFit Women: TABATA WOD w/ Tabata Songs - YouTube Andrea Ager - YouTube The Women of CrossFit Dynamix - YouTube or find some more decent vids and add here
  8. A

    Nudist retreat has to tackle issue of too many single men making women feel uncomfort

    A CENTRAL Queensland nudist retreat has a problem — too many single males showing up, making nude females feel uncomfortable. David and Elaine Gray went to a tribunal to try to get an exemption under the Anti-Discrimination Act, allowing them to limit the number of...
  9. A

    Snickers Ad Manages to Be Sexist to Both Men and Women

    he ad both breaks and reinforces gender stereotypes In this ad produced by Snickers in Australia, watch actors as construction workers shout empowering statements to women who are walking down the street. Remarks include, “You want to hear a filthy word? Gender bias!”...
  10. R

    Sperm issues in men and women

    Hi… I just want to know after sexual intercourse, is it necessary that women also have to get the sperm out? I mean if sperm never come out from women, then women have any problem? Does he need to take seek advice from physician? With men is it always happen that they fall sperm, but the...
  11. F

    The more someone wants you the less you want them?

    I'm seeing this chick that's wanting me more and more (not a bad thing but aye) and its kind of turning me off her. Thoughts?
  12. A

    50 Women Answer ‘What Goes Through Your Head While Giving A Blowjob?

    50 Women Answer ‘What Goes Through Your Head While Giving A Blowjob? These answers are hilarious... 1. PureGabe: “Does he like it?” 2. doctorjwatson: “Wow, my jaw hurts.” 3. springplum: “Why is sex so short but this takes so damn long?” 4. imactuallyagirl: ‘I wish I could breathe...
  13. A

    Hooked: Muscle Women

    "Hooked: Muscle women," is a 2008 documentary and puts female bodybuilders on the psychiatrist's couch (figuratively speaking) to get to the core of why they push their bodies to the limit. Featuring IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilders Kristy Hawkins, Colette Nelson and WNBF Pro Female Bodybuilder...
  14. A

    Pumping iron 2 The women

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2fxHtM9t6w PUMPING IRON II: THE WOMEN, a film that is changing the way the world views the female physique-creating "a new definition of the female form." Join four women as they prepare for the 1983 Caesars Palace World Cup Championship: the sultry and curvaceous...
  15. A

    MONSTERETTES- Powerlifting women of MONSTER GARAGE GYM

  16. A

    Wanting to purchase gloves for my gf for lifting

    Hi, Just wanting to know if there are any brands or styles that the ladies prefer for gloves. Want to get a set for the gf. Thanks
  17. Apparently women should only train with 3lb Dbs

    Light weights v. heavy weights - what's best? Retards gonna retard....
  18. A

    Women Choose Mates by Shoulder Size First, Research Suggests

    Size does matters when women are looking for a mate! A recent study finds, whether it’s the size of a man’s shoulders versus his hips, his height or anywhere else. The research was published in the National Academy of Sciences, was done to help develop a better understanding of women’s sexual...
  19. IF for women

    Intermittent fasting for women Great read here people. Very scientific (which I like) :)
  20. L

    Have more sex , make more money

    video on wall street journal correlation between sex and wages LIFESTYLE Have More Sex, Make More Money Money can't buy you love, but a new study suggests lovemaking can earn you money. Video - Have More Sex, Make More Money - WSJ.com