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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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  1. J

    [Article] How To Train To Be A Bodybuilder - Body Building Tips

    Body Building Tips Training to be a bodybuilder takes a bit more work and dedication compared to that of an average weight trainer. What is the difference between a weight trainer and a bodybuilder? Weight training is a training program for improving or maintaining overall fitness, strength...
  2. M

    need some tips for HIIT

    Ok so I know that one of the best ways to lose body fat is by HIIT but I am a bit unsure of what type of things I should be doing. The gym that I go to has mostly "technogym" brand equipment but they dont have any interval programs on themo i so have been doing my own intervals. I use the...
  3. [Article] 20 Tips to Mass Gains

    20 Tips to Mass Gains by Chris Aceto 1) Pre-Training Punch Hitting the iron like a pro? Take in hefty dose of easy to absorb proteins and carbs 60-90 minutes before gym-time. The combo exerts anti-catabolic effect protecting your hard earned muscle while sparing muscle reserves of energy...
  4. Tips and tricks to avoid muscle wasteing during a cutting phase

    Not sure if i have the terminology right but I want to loose some fat but keep the muscle that I have. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that will assist in this endevour? I have read that usually you can either loose fat and muscle or gain muscle and fat but you cant loose fat and gain...
  5. C

    Diet tips

    I know ill cop a bit of a bagging for my diet, but im not after a hard core training diet, im more after a diet that i can maintain as a life-style diet. Whenever i go hard at my diet, it mentally drains me, so ive come to the conclusion i need a good mix of healthy food and the things i enjoy...
  6. H

    [Article] 80 Awesome Weight Loss Tips

    I’ve compiled some of your best tips into a list of ideas, below, for those looking to lose weight (and that’s probably most of us). It’s not a step-by-step guide, and there are contradictory tips — but there are some great ones here, so pick and choose those that will work best for you and give...
  7. H

    Healthy Eating Tips

    Reduce Fat and Cholesterol • Use skim or low-fat milk and cheese made from skim or low-fat milk • Cut back on the amount of fat you use in cooking • Use water-packed tuna instead of oil-packed • Choose lean cuts of meat • Trim visible fat from meat • Roast, bake, broil, or simmer meats and...
  8. B

    The 10 Most Important Tips For Cycling

    I got this article off the net some time ago... but I didn't save the link to where I found it My apologies to the source for not acknowledging you, so if anyone recognizes it, can you please let me know CYCLING IS AN ENDURANCE SPORT You should therefore do at least one long training ride per...
  9. J

    16 Tips to Triple Your Workout Effectiveness

    You don’t want to spend long hours at the gym, but you want to get stronger, fitter, leaner, and just plain look good. It’s possible that you’re not getting the most out of your workout time. It’s possible to get a super-effective workout in 30 minutes, and only do a few workouts a week, if you...
  10. J

    16 Tips to Triple Your Workout Effectiveness

    You don’t want to spend long hours at the gym, but you want to get stronger, fitter, leaner, and just plain look good. It’s possible that you’re not getting the most out of your workout time. It’s possible to get a super-effective workout in 30 minutes, and only do a few workouts a week, if you...
  11. F

    Can anyone give any tips?

    Hello, Im an ex-gymnast with a health problem that prevents me from doing alot of cardio. Im able to lift weights though. I can't use a treadmill but am willling to give a rowing machine and exercise bike a go. Since quitting gymnastics and being unable to do a lot of cardio. I have...
  12. M

    Skinny Beginner in need of tips

    Hello to everyone, I am a 20 year old male and I am wanting to get into bodybuilding as I am a skinny 6footer , weighing in at 57kg I want to put on any amount of weight I am after some tips really on how and where to start as Im not really sure how to get into bodybuilding. I have some...
  13. P

    Tips for Cycling in Wet Weather

    Tips for Cycling in Wet Weather If your cyclists you'll need to get used to riding in the rain fe. Following is a few tips for making you wet weather riding safer and comfortable. When your out cycling you will find that rain comes from all directions: down from the sky,spray up from...
  14. J

    7 Tips for Commuting to Work by Bike

    7 Tips for Commuting to Work by Bike With the raising Fuel price and public transport not all that great, it might be a good idea to put those car keys down and drag out the bike. You can have all the protest rallies you want " everyone don't buy fueld on this...
  15. S

    tips and advice for hardgainer

    Hello, I've been working out for atleast 6months now with little gain. Although I feel stronger, can lift more and look a little more defined I've only put on like 2kgs. I'm 19yrs old, 5'4' and weigh 56kg at the moment. This is my program now: I try and workout every second day. One...
  16. P

    [Article] Basic Body Building Tips

    Body building tips: Drink plenty of water regularly. Drink both before during and after your exercise workout, even when your not thirsty by the time you realize your thirsty your body is already dehydrated. Before starting your body building program, talk to a trainer to get correct...
  17. D

    [Cycling] Mountain Biking Tips for Beginners

    1) If you've never mountain biked before, you may be surprised at how much time you spend walking instead of riding. You'll walk your bike up steep grades, down steep grades, and in level places where the terrain is too rugged. Mountain bikers frequently have to deal with rocks, boulders, tree...
  18. R

    Tips please

    Can anybody give me some tips on how to get ripped with a simple weight lifting scheldule or something like that?
  19. M

    Training & Workout Tips

    The goal of any bodybuilder or weight lifter is to get the maximum results from each workout. There is no point in expending the effort in the gym if there is not going to be any benefit. Here are some tips for getting the most from your exercise regime: - Start with a warm-up set of each...
  20. J

    New to Mountain Biking? Here's a few tips!

    Hopefully this thread will help a new rider to get the basics right, therefore providing a solid foundation for them to build on. this will contain BIKE SETUP Bike setup is vital for any style of cycling and helps to ensure that you efficiently transfer the power from your legs into the pedals...