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The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.
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The Five Minute Squat Challenge is a maximum repetition squat challenge where the aim is to complete as many squat reps as possible with your own bodyweight on a bar within a five minute time limit
The ChallengeThe Five Minute Squat Challenge is pretty simple – on paper. Load up a barbell with...
Posting this up as I'm sure plenty of people here could do really well during this year's challenge.
It's basically for people who aren't strangers to the gym, but are cruising along and with no real goals. It's a great motivator to really kick it up a notch and get some great results you've...
l said l was going to make a thread a while ago for @Mackie , @canned tuna & @StrungOut to put down out goals and make a bit of a challenge out of it instead of pming each other here and there. Hopefully this will be easier to track. If l've gotten your goals wrong let me know and l'll...
Plank Jacks
Please state number of reps completed (I.e.50 reps) , a video for bonus points
Rules go as follows
1. Must remain in full plank the entire time.
2. No rest is allowed.
3. Must be continuous movement.
4. Once you pause for more than 2 seconds OR drop out of plank position, your...
the events for this challenge are :
bodyweight bench press - max score 20 reps
bodyweight pull ups with pause in the hang position and chin must clear the bar - max score 20 reps
1/2 bodyweight standing press with pause at the bottom - max score 20 reps...
Ladies and Gentleman , Boys and girl of Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding
I bring to you a rather new snazzy feature to Ausbb
I introduce you to My bodyspace , which can be found it your profile
what is it ? what does it do i hear you ask?
Well quite simply it is a place for you to provide...
The Ausbb - Australian bodybuilding 90 Day Transformation challenge is a competition designed to see who can make the most dramatic improvement in body composition over the course of 90 days.
The contest will run from January 1st 2014 until March 31st 2014. This isn't a weight loss or fat...
For the people that keep a close eye on your calorie intake do you write things down daily or use a spread sheet?
I have a list of all the calories and proteins of the food I consume but it is just scribbled down in a note book. And I never get around to working out and adding up all my...
like the Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding 100000 PUSH UP CHALLENGE this time with situps
Basically everytime you do situps, remember how many you did and then post here. We'll keep a running total and see how fast we can all contribute to 100000 situps completed by members of Ausbb -...
Basically everytime you do pushups, remember how many you did and then post here. We'll keep a running total and see how fast we can all contribute to 100000 Push Ups completed by members of Ausbb - Australian bodybuilding
THE Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding 100000 PUSH UP CHALLENGE:
One of my mates introduced this to me today. Its called the sally push up challenge.
Basically the song by Moby called flower , the lyrics say bring sally down bring sally up and you have to wait for the commands.
Ausbb I Take That Challenge! Here's how it works.
1) A challenge is posted.
2) The next person who posts accepts the challenge, and must do the challenge within the next 2 days.
3) The next poster may also "throw a flag" on the challenge if he believes it to...
How the challenge works is you start with your 10rm weight. Setup a timer for 2mins. Start timer, do your first set. In the remaining 2 mins you can adjust your weight lower. There is a total of 8 sets and the last set is at bw only. So for example you may start at 17.5, then 15, 12.5 etc. Have...
An event held in Queensland on May 12th.
We've given them $1000 worth of prizes in support.
Check out their Facebook page: Leonidas Challenge - Gold Coast, QLD - Event | Facebook
So oni and i both have shit benches - both 1rms are 80kg.
My next meet is on 17 March (tbc) which is where itll next be tested. Ive said that if he has a meet on a similar date or wants to test 1rm on same day we'll go for absolute kilo increase.
Im doing 5x5 once a week plus assistance. Hes...
*We ask for a moment of your time - A serious note, from Bulk Nutrients: Our $5,000 Challenge...
To anyone who has ever heard a false rumour regarding the operations of Bulk Nutrients, we have done this in response to this (not often but enough to make us bother to do so). Of course these...
T NATION | 100-Rep Challenge
Been doing something similar to this for a few months now and I really like it. Always good to see a big named dude start preaching what you were already doing lol. So, anyone else up for the challenge?
Barbell curl - 100 reps with the empty bar
Front plate raise -...