Can someone tell me a 2-3 times a day multi available in australia?
must be very good quality.
And you swallow 12 tabs per day...right?I think OrangeTriad by controlled labs is a 2 or 3 times a day high quality multi. Check it out.
And you swallow 12 tabs per day...right?
Fair enough. In your opinion are they worth it or are you paying for the brand name Controlled Labs, me thinks the latter?
I use two multi-vitamins
opti-men by optimum nutrition 180 tabs for $55 - this multi is specifically formulated for active males and contains amino and immune boosters that would make it better than blackmores
orange triad by controlled labs 270 tabs for $60 - you take more than one pill at a time and it contains a huge range of vitamins and minerals, joint support, immune boost and digestive aid. Also a lot better than blackmores.
These are the best prices that I have seen these products at... If you don't know where to find them I bet you could pay a lot more.
Fadi, I have been taking the Treso-b and it has been repeating on me rather badly. Have you had this problem?
Look for these..
what makes these better than other multis, particularly ones specifically for weightlifting?