Hi all,
I sent out an email yesterday to mates etc offering to train them (for the experience - I graduate this year). One of the replies I got was from a female friend who has a number of goals, one being to lose some weight, but not from her boobs.
My understanding is that while fat may be lost from the area, breast tissue should be unaffected. Is this correct?
If I'm incorrect, can anyone point out some tips / things I should be doing or not doing in order to minimise this?
I'll be doing further research on my own but figure there might be some trainers experienced with this or some women with experience of their own.
I sent out an email yesterday to mates etc offering to train them (for the experience - I graduate this year). One of the replies I got was from a female friend who has a number of goals, one being to lose some weight, but not from her boobs.
My understanding is that while fat may be lost from the area, breast tissue should be unaffected. Is this correct?
If I'm incorrect, can anyone point out some tips / things I should be doing or not doing in order to minimise this?
I'll be doing further research on my own but figure there might be some trainers experienced with this or some women with experience of their own.